thal major + stigma a = ?

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Offline Sharmin

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Re: thal major + stigma a = ?
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2007, 09:47:51 PM »
I am a beta thal carrier (minor), my husband is a beta thal carrier and an alpha thal carrier.  Our son only inherited the beta thal from each of us-he did not inherit my husband's alpha thal.  Possibly, if he had inherited the alpha thal as well his thal may have been less severe.   


Offline fairytale

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Re: thal major + stigma a = ?
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2007, 09:55:06 PM »
Thanks Andy for your reply,

I saw my doctor today and this is exactly what he explained to me also.  I do have both traits and when my fiance was tested his results weren't clear, the doctors had suspision that he might carry the alpha trait and thats why we needed the dna test done.  What can go wrong if he does have the alpha trait after all?


Offline Sharmin

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Re: thal major + stigma a = ?
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2007, 10:18:29 PM »
If you both carry alpha thal there is a 25% chance that when you conceive you child would inherit alpha thal from both of you.  Since alpha chains are required very early in development - often pregnancies in which the child inherits alpha thal major the mother would miscarry.  I don't know if this is always the case.  But there is a 75% chance that your child will be healthy - inheriting only alpha thal or beta thal from the parents.  Having both alpha thal minor and beta thal minor is probably better than just inheriting one trait b/c there would be fewer alpha chains floating around.     

This is my limited knowledge on the subject, I am sure Andy can clarify and expand.   Good luck.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: thal major + stigma a = ?
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2007, 02:50:54 AM »
There is an important distinction that should be understood concerning alpha trait. There are 4 alpha genes, whereas there are only two beta genes. When one has one alpha thal gene, it is called silent carrier state. Two alpha thal genes produce alpha thal trait. Three alpha thal genes result in a thalassemia much like beta intermedia, including the potential for transfusion dependency. Four alpha thal genes result in the production of no useful hemoglobin and the baby usually miscarries or dies at birth. The only treatment is prenatal transfusion of the fetus. This is very rare.

fairytale, the possibilities depend on how many alpha genes you and your fiance carry. If you are just a carrier (one gene) and your fiance is also a carrier, your child could possibly inherit two alpha and one beta genes. The odds of this are small but the possibility exists. The concern is that when two or more alpha genes are present along with one beta thal gene, it can lead to thal intermedia, although it may likely be that the child would be more like a beta minor. Sometimes, the patient will have few if any symptoms and sometimes it behaves more like regular thal intermedia. At this point it is not something that can be predicted. If either of you carries more than one alpha gene, the odds of passing on alpha increases.

The government of Cyprus is being very diligent in its efforts to keep thal from propagating. This became necessary because so much of the population carries thal genes. As a result, testing is now required before marriage, so that couples can make intelligent and informed choices about how to proceed in planning pregnancies. Although not mandatory, abortions of thal major fetuses are strongly recommended. These policies have greatly decreased the amount of majors being born in Cyprus. Whether one approves of abortion or not, this is how it is there. The economic reality of financing treatment for large amounts of thals has forced Cyprus into a tough pragmatic policy. When there are hundreds and even thousands of patient to treat, education, testing and prevention become key elements in reducing the amount of thal births and thusly, the total cost of care. Advances in thal treatment have also led to an explosion in the cost of thal care. This will undoubtedly force countries to become very proactive concerning the prevention of thal. Education, awareness and testing all have important roles. Never underestimate the impact that we, the online community can have in raising awareness about thal.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline fairytale

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Re: thal major + stigma a = ?
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2007, 08:57:19 AM »
Andy i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.  My doctor couldn't explain it better than you.  Abortion will never be an option for me even if i have to deal with thal major.  I've managed to live my life normally just like any other human being.  Me being thal major has never really stopped me from doing anything i really wanted to,  of course pumping makes life a bit difficult but i don't know life without it.  I just wanted to know and to be prepared for whatever i might have to deal with in the future.  It kills me to think that our government here encourages couples to have abortions to minimize thalasseamia.  Shame on them.  I wouldn't have wanted my mom to abort me.  SHAME ON THEM!!!!!!!!



Re: thal major + stigma a = ?
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2007, 10:46:27 AM »
Hi Fairytale.
Good on you.I second your opinion.
what a shame that people has to abort their children just because it doesn't fit in with the state budget , in other part of the world ,A lot of people survive very well with thalasseamia and they don't even know that they have it.
I do agree that they do have an early death but then they have contributed and left a legacy behind.
I myself think that science interfer too much with humanity.these days every one wants to control everything and every one wants perfection when it doesn't exist.we all want a designer" person"
We are god creation and we need to be just what we suppose to be nothing more nothing less.


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