I have Alpha thal minor.
DH has none.
Presumably, our children should be non-thal, am I correct?
I have had what was diagnosed as chronic anaemia since my teens, which was treated with ferrous sulphate *boik* until I point blank refused to take it any more, as I didn't FEEL anaemic.
When pg with DD, they tested hb, which was about 9, and so in normal range for me. I was about to start going

and readying for a battle with the nurse, but then they told us about the thal.
I was given a leaflet, which told me I had a 1-in-4 chance of neither myself or the baby making it through the pg. Which was nice.

DH turned out to be non-thal. I am IRISH, my hair is red, lol. We have no idea at all where the thal comes from, as neither of my parents have it AFAIK.