Hi Hallu
I know how confusing this situation, but as you said there is homework that should be done. Generally speaking, i think that if i were you i should try every possible solution before choosing a surgory though splenectomy is common to most thals.
My advice to you (if your condition can endure to wait few months) is to try some natural F Hb inducers like resveratrol or aloe vera.
Speaking of hydrea, to tell you the truth, i wanted from my deep heart to avoid giving it to Ahmad, that is why you will find many posts from me asking about natural inducers in an attempt to try to avoid it. I can not forget that at the end , it is a chemotherapy, though i know that the dose i am giving is not that highly toxic, but as a mother this is like a rock on my heart ( this is an arabic proverb, hope that the translation can make you feel how i really feel).
Anyway, as i told you i tried to avoid it as much as i can until one day the hema, told me that she thinks that it would be much better that Ahmad starts it. At that moment i was about to tell her no and i should wait some more time ( actually i don't know what i am waiting for

). At that moment i had another feeling telling me stop interfering, may be i will be harming my son so i surrendered.
What i know about hydrea is that some patients can react to it after one, two or three months and others don't react at all. Liver and kidneys functions and CBC should be done monthly to assure that nothing is harmed because if the kidney or liver enzymes increased it will be stopped at once.
It really has a lot and wide range of side effects that you could have them all or have none of them or part of them. As my doctor told me, this medicine is a personal expierence for each patient.
It is writen in the pamphlet of medicine that if you want to have a child you should stop as you said for 3 month. It is true that it can cause infertility and also some patients are not affected. Here in Egypt there is some one who has been taking hydrea for 18 years and has two children. He is now 28 years and the very strange thing is that he didn't stop the medicine before having his children as conception happened by accident and both his children are normal.
On the net i found a research talking about children who administerd hydrea for 6 years and that was the longest time i have read a research about,but as i told you they are children so it is not yet clear who is infertile and who isn't.So as i told you everything is possible and every person has his own expierence. So this means that i will always be facing the unknown.
Concerning the dose, we first started with 25mg/kg and Ahmad felt dizzy, had stomaches, so we decreased it to 20/kg and i give it to him before he sleeps to avoid any discomfort and he is doing fine this way. Actually, when he got tired from the first dose, i wanted to know how he really feels, so i had a dose for my self ( I know this sounds crazy and i know that its wrong but i needed to know what my son is going through). So i guess you feel like a big stone tied to your stomach and you feel very down and dizzy. Therefore if you choose hydrea as an option, it is best to take it gradually to let you body get used to it.
Hallu, i guess my post doesn't seem encourging, but i am telling you how i feel towards it and may be my opinion is a bit more emotional. But still my advice to you is to try every possile thing including hydrea before going through splenectomy.
hope i could be of any help