How Can You Get Your Voice Heard in the Thal Organizations?

  • 2 Replies

Offline Andy Battaglia

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How Can You Get Your Voice Heard in the Thal Organizations?
« on: March 01, 2006, 05:11:23 AM »
Thalassemia organizations can become very political, making it hard for those not on the "inside" to have their voices heard and their needs expressed. This happens in the local as well as the national and international levels.

Many of you have some experience dealing with the orgs and even working with and for the orgs. What tips can you give people so that they can be more effective in dealing with the orgs, so that their voices are heard and their needs respected?

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Danielle

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Re: How Can You Get Your Voice Heard in the Thal Organizations?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2006, 06:12:56 AM »
Good question, Andy.  I must say, that I had a very hard time myself years ago.  I basically had to stand up and scream for anyone to hear or listen to me, and even then it was a challenge.  I became totally fed up of the *clique* that formed between TAG and CAF, and got myself involved in things like meetings and fundraisers.  After a few years of doing that, I was approached by the President (at the time) of the Suffolk Chapter, and he asked me if I would be interested in being Suffolk's Patient Services representative, because I had been through so much, had a good deal of experience, and had a great rapport with the patients, families, and volunteers.  Since the job title was for a paid employee, I declined, but I agreed to do it on a volunteer basis, and we changed my title to Patient Services *Coordinator* instead, to avoid confusion.

I'm not saying that everyone needs to do what I did, but I think it helps to get a little more involved, whether it be going to meetings or helping out with fundraisers, or even making your own fundraiser.  You can try even little things to get your voice heard.  There are just so many patients, and it always helps to put a face to someone.  If you really need help, my advice would be to keep pushing.  If you need something from the Foundation, keep calling.  If one person doesn't help, get another person.  Keep going until you get what you need.  Don't let anyone push you aside.  Each one of you are just as important as the next.  As I had said, there are a lot of *cliques* going on, which is common in many organizations.  I was never part of a clique, and I never will be ... because I don't want to be.  The only thing that the word "clique" says to me is "exclusion" and that's not what I'm about.  I give everyone the same attention, and try to help as much as I possibly can.

Yes, it can become very political, and I have always believed what has been told to me for ages, which is "It's not what you know, it's who you know."  It's sad, but it's true, unfortunately.  Just keep stomping your feet until you get where you want.  If someone knocks you down, pick yourself right back up and keep barreling forward.  We're all capable of getting our voices heard, but we have to fight for it.  :)



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Re: How Can You Get Your Voice Heard in the Thal Organizations?
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2006, 09:58:30 PM »
Dear Andy am prebaring my self for the conferance it will be in march you remebare i told you there is a conferance for blood but not for thalassimia when i told you that i start move in many way to make the conferance for only thalassimia so my son she told me there is an conferance for thalasimia will be in march we called Dr.paola polchi from italy  and Prof.jhone porter from UK and many visitores Dr.who they are spicilise in thalassimia so am realy prebaring my self for real fighting with some kind of def PpL who can't hear us ... SO PREBARE YOUR WEPONES AND ALL ARMY FLEET :biggrin
              am going to send for all the time of the conferance and which date


                                                    state of kuwait


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