Hello - Kim and Michael, here. Michael is 52 years old and was diagnosed with Thalassemia a few years ago and he has not had any symptoms that we know of until recently. Back in March, when he was washing his hair he noticed a divit, the size of your finger tip and about an 1/8" deep on the top of his head - slightly to the right side. Over a period of a few months, that divit grew in length from the front of his skull toward the back and is now about 5 inches long with varying depths and widths. He has also noticed a second that started on the other side of his head which is now 2 finger tips in length and a third just started and has pain associated with it. He is experiencing frequent/almost constant headaches now and much fatigue.
Michael went to our internist back when he first started noticing that his original divit was growing. He ran blood tests that resulted in no change since the last test and ordered an x-ray of the skull which came back "normal". (wierd, huh?) and now has had a CAT SCAN which also came back "normal". We just find this weird? How is this "normal"? If you can phyiscally feel it, for crying out loud?!
The next step is to see a Hemotologist. Since this is all so new to us, we don't have a clue to all the blood counts all you veterans seem to know off the top of your head!
How we even found out that Michael was Thalaseemic at all, was from the results of a routine blood test a few years ago which showed the white blood cell size as being smaller than normal. His internist ordered another blood test for Thalassemia which resulted in a positive "minor" diagnosis. All this after being married for almost 20 years and having a teenager! We have yet to have our son tested, but will.
We find all of this odd, as he has never experienced any symptoms as discribed in this forum before, or any that have been related to the Thalassemia, anyway. We got on line today because we were wondering if his tiredness of late was Anemia possibly related to Talassemia, which we of course learned is quite common. Now, we're still not sure any of the above is related, but after viewing this "Is it painful?" posting we are curious as to what started this particular line of discussion. Especially with the pain associated with this latest divit that is now forming.
So, expalin why we shouldn't be freaked out? Can a 52 year old recently diagnosed "minor" appear to suddenly become and "intermediate" or "major"? This skull deformation seems to be more of a "major" symptom from what we can gather. But with never seeming to have any symptoms prior to the last few months, we're just stumpped and not sure what to do and are just a little scared about this skull separation? Will his brain become exposed? I mean, what is going on here?