Hi Doreen,

to the site.
You are really a great person!

that you want to adopt a child that requires special care. I salute you!
From what you have stated, she does sound like Thal. Major (until confirmed). As far as the life of a Thal. person and his family is concerned, then it really depends on how well you take care of it.
If you have access to good medical facilities and you provide your child with punctual treatment, then there is nothing to worry about, in the beginning there might be some difficulties but as the child grows and you get more experienced over it; then eventually it becomes a part of your life.
How Thal. effects the child really depends on the severity. If her Hb gets too low she might show signs of weakness, lack of concentration and paleness etc. This can be prevented by always keeping her Hb in check and not let it go too low.
Desferal is the most toughest challenge for small children and the parents. Children get frustrated with needles pricking everyday, but getting complications from Iron overload is more worse than daily needles. So, you have to do it whether you like it or not as you want the best for your child.
There are alternative pills to it like Exjade and I sure hope that it is available to you so that you won't have to undergo to the trauma.
Apart from that you don't have to worry about anything else. Just don't give her a diet that has too much iron in it.
Please feel free to ask more questions that you have in mind.
God Bless you for the wonderful deed that you are about to do.
Take care, Peace!