FYI, something to try to increase NO production

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Offline LindaMarie

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FYI, something to try to increase NO production
« on: June 28, 2007, 06:15:22 PM »
Hi All,

I have been doing some research on how to increase NO production, as I think it might help me with my energy levels. The universe is supporting my efforts and I got this email in a newsletter today so I thought I would pass the info along if any one else wants to give it a try.

I never heard of this amino acid before. If any of you decide to try it can you please let me know or post your results.

To our continued health and abundant living!

Love to the lovelies,
Linda Marie :biggrin

"If arginine didn't work for you - try this instead

If you suffer from vascular disease or erectile dysfunction, you may have tried the amino acid arginine. And it may have disappointed you. If so, there are several reasons why it didn't work. But, the good news is, there's a different amino acid that can give you the results you're looking for.

Arginine is very popular because it does work for so many people. It is the raw material for nitric oxide (NO), which is the key dilator of vessels in your body. That's what makes it so effective for ED.

But arginine doesn't always work for ED - or hypertension. Here's why: Your liver and kidneys often use up most of the arginine you take in. So there's not enough left to make NO. And that's where the other amino acid comes in.

This amino acid is L-citrulline (citrulline). It's not an essential amino acid. In other words, you don't have to get it in your diet. Your body can make it in your intestinal tract from glutamine (another amino acid). But citrulline is easy to absorb. The cells that line your blood vessels absorb and then convert it to arginine inside your cells.

Since citrulline can serve as a raw material for arginine, it could increase and sustain arginine in your endothelial cells. Some recent biochemical research supports this idea. Your body may actually prefer to use citrulline as a source of usable arginine.

Remember, it's the arginine that actually produces NO. But your body can convert citrulline into arginine. Plus, citrulline increases energy production and boosts your immune system.

You can take up to 3 grams per day of citrulline as a supplement. Your local health food store should have it readily available. And if you do take it, please let me know how it works for you, whether for vascular problems or ED. That way, I can share the results with your fellow readers.

Yours for better health and medical freedom,
Robert Jay Rowen, MD"

Linda Marie


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Re: FYI, something to try to increase NO production
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2007, 04:44:37 AM »

I'm not sure if Nitric Oxide has any benefits for Thal. :huh at least I was never told about it.

Can you explain why should Thals. use Nitric Oxide?

Take care, Peace!
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