I had my last consult with the new surgeon that I've been seeing, and he wants to schedule surgery for the end of the month. He's just waiting on clearance from my hematologist before actually scheduling me. He said that he's NOT removing part of my colon, and I won't need a colostomy! Of course, if something should go wrong during/after the surgery, things could easily change. However, he's confident that he will be able to fix me up without having to go through that! I cannot tell you the horror that I've been through with all these tests that they've put me through, and I'm so glad it's over with. I just want this surgery to be done, so I can move on to other things that I need taken care of.
The surgeon said that he is just worried about bleeding and infection (that area gathers a lot of bacteria, as I'm sure you know), but I'm hoping for a really good outcome. After that, I will have to follow up with my gastroenterologist for some kind of bowel regimen, so that everything doesn't happen all over again (prolapse & hernia).
Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers. They obviously worked! If possible, please keep them going, so that everything goes as planned! Love you guys!