FerriScan Locations

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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FerriScan Locations
« on: June 27, 2006, 04:01:27 AM »

FerriScan is the world's first regulated, non-invasive liver iron concentration test for people suffering from iron overload conditions. The test offers these people a safe, fast and most importantly accurate determination of their liver iron levels. FerriScan enables patients and clinicians to plan and monitor their treatment more effectively.

To see the Ferriscan Fact Sheet please go to http://www.thalassemiapatientsandfriends.com/index.php?topic=1677.0

To find a FerriScan location, go to  http://www.resonancehealth.com/findcentre/FindCentres

Those labelled as clinical trial may not be able to provide service
to the public at the moment but they can be converted into a public sites
with some arrangement between the centre and our company.

Country  Centre Name     Centre Address     Centre City     Centre State     Centre Tel     Remarks
USA University of Washington Medical Center    1959 N.E. Pacific    Seattle    Washington    +1 206 598 9497    
     Children's Hospital and Research Center at Oakland    5700 Martin Luther King Jr. Way    Oakland    California    +1 510 428 3885    
     Stanford University School of Medicine    1201 Welch Rd. MC 5488 Room P273    Stanford    California    +1 650 723 8594    Clinical trial
     Children's Medical Center of Dallas    1935 Motor Street    Dallas    Texas    +1 214 456 2310    
     University of Texas M.D Anderson Cancer Center    1515 Holcombe Blvd, Unit 056    Houston    Texas         Clinical trial
     University of Minnesota Medical Center    500 Harvard St, 1st Floor Unit J Room #1-354    Minneapolis    Minnesota    +1 612 273 3158     
     Children's Memorial Hospital, Illinois    2300 Children's Plaza    Chicago    Illinois    +1 773 880 3540    Clinical trial
     Wayne State University School of Medicine    HUH-MR Center Concourse, 3990 John R St    Detroit    Michigan    +1 313 745 1391    Clinical trial
     Ohio State University    1654 Upham Drive, 647 Means Hall    Columbus    Ohio    +1 614 293 2929    Clinical trial
     Children's Hospital of Philadelphia    34th Street & Civic Centre Blvd, 9th Floor P.L.C. #9552    Philadephia    Pennsylvania    +1 215 590 1214    
     Weill Medical College of Cornell University    416 East 55th Street    New York    New York    +1 212 746 6801    Clinical trial
     Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters    601 Children's Lane    Norfolk    Virginia    +1 757 668 9289    
     Carolinas Medical Center    P.O Box 32861    Charlotte    North Carolinas    +1 704 355 3082     
     John Hopkins Hospital    600 N. Wolfe St    Baltimore    Maryland    +1 410 502 6840    
     Mayo Foundation for Medical Education & Research    200 First St SW    Rochester    Minnesota    +1 507 255 3739    
     Children's Hospital Boston    300 Longwood Avenue    Boston    Massachusette    +1 617 355 8799    
Canada    The Hospital For Sick Children    555 University Avenue    Toronto    Ontario    +1 416 813 5527    
     Toronto General Hospital    610 University Ave, 3-958    Toronto    Ontario    +1 416 946 4501     Clinical trial
UK    Kings College Hospital MRI    De Crespigny Park    London         +44 20 7836 5454    
     MedTel City of London Medical Centre    11-13 Crosswall    London         +44 800 028 2278    
     MedTel UK - Chelmsford Medical Centre    Fenton House 85-89 New London Road    London         +44 124 525 3761    
     University College London    235 Euston Road    London         +44 20 7636 8333     
Italy    Azienda Ospedaliera    Piazzale    Cagliari    Sardinia    +39 070 539 768    Clinical trial
     Centro Microcitemie    Piazza Polonia 94    Torino         +39 0113 134 771    Clinical trial
     Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche Biotechnologie    Via Jenner s/n    Cagliari         +39 070 609 5660    
     Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico    via F. Sforza 35 Padiglione Sacco    Milano         +39 02 55 034 042      Clinical trial
     IRCCS S. Matteo    Piazzale Golgi 1    Pavia         +39 0382 526 257    Clinical trial
Germany    Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universitat    Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Str    Greifswald         +49 3834 86 6960    
     Gemeinschaftspraxis Adickesallee Radiogen & Nuklearmediziner    Adickesallee 51-53    Frankfurt am Main         +49 699 596 160    
     Charite University Hospital    Chariteplatz 1    Berlin         +49 30 450 527 144    
     Medizinische Hochschule Hannover    Carl - Neuberg - Strasse 1    Hannover         + 49 511 532 3421    
     Ulm University Hospital    University Hospital Prittwitzstr 43    Ulm         +49 731 500 27 420    
     Uniklinikum Goettingen    Robert-Koch-Str 40    Goettingen         +49 551 399 723    
     University Hospital Duesseldorf    Mooren Str 5    Duesseldorf         +49 277 877 7752    
Denmark    Aarhus University Hospital    Brendstrupgaardsvej    Aarhus         +45 894 98510    Clinical trial
Greece    Institute Euromedica-Encephalos    3 Rizariou St    Halandri         +30 210 683 6173    
Egypt    MISR Radiology Centre    8 El Khalifa El Mamoun St, Manshiat El Bakry    Heliopolis    Cairo    +20 2 624 7327    Clinical trial
Lebanon    American University of Beirut Medical Centre    Bliss St    Beirut         +96 1 1350 000    Clinical trial
     Hotel-Dieu Hospital    Adib Ishak Street, Achrafieh    Beirut         +96 1 1615 300    Clinical trial
Saudi Arabia    King Abdulaziz University Hospital    Al-Solaimania District    Jeddah              Clinical trial
     King Faisal Specialist Hospital         Riyadh         +9 661 442 7793    Clinical trial
Oman    Sultan Qaboos University Hospital    College of Medicine. Al Khod    Muscat         +9 68 9946 2039    Clinical trial
India    Dr Jankharia's Imaging Centre    Bhaveshwar Vihar 383, S.V.P. Road    Mumbai         +91 22 66173333    
Hong Kong    Prince of Wales Hospital Hong Kong    Ngan Shing St, Shatin              +852 2632 2211    Clinical trial
Thailand    Ramathibodi Hospital, AIMC Centre    Rama 6th Rd    Bamgkok         +662 201 2230    Clinical trial
Korea    Severence Hospital    134, Shinchon-dong, Seodaemun-ku    Seoul         +82 2 2228 2369    Clinical trial
Malaysia    Sentosa Medical Centre    36 Jalan Chemur    Kuala Lumpur         +601 2 3810981    Clinical trial
Australia    Fremantle Hospital    Alma St    Fremantle    WA    +61 8 9431 3333    
     Perth Radiological Clinic -Joondalup    Shenton Avenue    Joondalup    WA    +61 8 9400 9850    
     Princess Margaret Hospital    Roberts Rd    Subiaco    WA    +61 8 9340 8236    
     Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital    PO Box 89    Nedlands    WA    +61 8 9346 1746    
     SKG Radiology - Hollywood Hospital    115 Monash Avenue    Nedlands    WA    +61 8 9320 1245    
     SKG Radiology - Subiaco    175 Cambridge Street    Subiaco    WA    +61 8 9382 6242    
     Royal Adelaide Hospital    North Terrace    Adelaide    SA    +61 8 8222 4700    
     Perrett Medical Imaging - Wakefield St    270 Wakefield St    Adelaide    SA    +61 8 8306 5612    
     Mayne Health Diagnostic Imaging - Epworth    89 Bridge Road    Richmond    VIC    +61 3 9242 4800    
     Monash Medical Centre    246 Clayton Road Clayton    Melbourne    VIC    +61 3 9594 2200    
     Frankston Private Hospital    24 - 28 Frankston/Flinders Road    Frankston    VIC    +61 3 8781 5271    
     Royal Melbourne Hospital    Grattan Street    Parkville    VIC    +61 3 9342 7000    
     Mayne Health Diagnostic Imaging - St George    Belgrave Street    Kogarah    NSW    +61 2 9587 6122    
     Rayscan Imaging    41-43 Goulburn Street    Liverpool    NSW    +61 2 9602 6677    
     SMRI Pty Ltd    100 Carillon Avenue #4-6    Newtown    NSW    +61 2 9557 1464    
     National Capital Diagnostic Imaging- Canberra    Suite A2/161 Strickland Crescent    Deakin    ACT    +61 2 6285 2699    
     Princess Alexandra Hospital    Ipswich Road    Woolloongabba    QLD    +61 7 3240 6297    Clinical trial
     Southern X-Ray Clinic - The Wesley Hospital         Auchenflower    QLD    +61 7 3371 9588    
     Southernex Imaging Group Ltd - Caboolture Hospital    McKean St    Caboolture    QLD    +61 7 5498 3055    
New Zealand    Centre for Advanced MRI    85 Park Rd    Grafton    Auckland    +64 9 303 5966    
     Manukau Radiology    79 Middlemore Cres    Papatoetoe    Auckland    +64 9 2788 994    
« Last Edit: January 21, 2009, 07:11:29 AM by Andy »

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: FerriScan Locations
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2006, 07:06:41 PM »
I just wanted to add that following locations in Canada have been approved by Health Canada for Ferriscan and should be operational soon.

CHUM- Hopital Notre-Dame
1560, rue Sherbrooke Est, Pavillon Lachapelle, porte 1081-8
Montreal Quebec H2L 4M1 Canada
The Hospital For Sick Children
Diagnostic Imaging - Research Interventional MRI
555 University Avenue
Toronto M5G 1X8 Canada
The Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto
610 University Ave, 3-958
Toronto M5G 2M9 Canada



Offline jzd24

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Re: FerriScan Locations
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2006, 02:47:13 AM »
     Is the same thing as a SQUID test?   Jean


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: FerriScan Locations
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2006, 03:05:12 AM »
No, SQUID is a different test that can also image heart iron. There are very few SQUID machines in the world. However, FerriScan works with exisiting MRI machines, thus making it far more widely available.

From  http://www.resonancehealth.com/rh_resonance--FAQ

FerriScan is a new technology for the non-invasive measurement of liver iron concentration (LIC). Advanced computer software, the result of extensive research and trials, is used to analyse data obtained through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a patient's liver to determine an accurate measurement of liver iron concentration.
FerriScan measures LIC in three easy steps:

1. An MRI scanner will produce a set of internal images of the abdominal cavity containg the liver.

2. The image data collected from the MRI scans is then sent electronically to the FerriScan Service Centre where it is analysed using the FerriScan technology.

3. Once the analysis is completed, the LIC result is sent to the MRI centre within 2 business days of receipt of data.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline jzd24

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Re: FerriScan Locations
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2006, 10:06:11 PM »
   So, is this like a T2*?  Thanks for the info.  Jean


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: FerriScan Locations
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2006, 04:49:34 AM »
T2* is used to determine the amount of iron overload in the heart.

From http://www.thalassemia.org/sections.php?sec=2&tab=10&sub=204&

T2* is a time measurement that reflects iron content in tissue. The T2* measurement is obtained from images taken on a standard Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) machine. The MRI machine uses a strong magnet and radio waves to image body issues. The MRI machine detects differences in magnetic properties of the body and converts these differences into pictures that physicians can use to diagnose various diseases. Iron overload causes changes in the magnetic properties of tissues, which causes the T2* values to become smaller. The T2* measurement of the heart is important because it has been found that patients with a cardiac T2* value less than 20 milliseconds (a millisecond is 1/1000 of a second) are at higher risk for heart problems related to iron overload than patients with T2* value greater than 20 milliseconds. ...
T2* is not routinely measured on cardiac MRI exams because it requires special imaging and analysis programs to interpret the results. However, this technology has now become available for all interested thalassemia major and intermedia patients as part of a research study by cardiologist John Wood at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA)....
If you are a thalassemia patient or a parent of a child with thalassemia and are interested in having the T2* measurement, first get permission from your hematologist and then email info@cooleysanemia.org with the name of the patient, age, diagnosis, contact information and dates available to have testing done in Los Angeles. Interested parties can also call the Patient Services at 800-522-7222. Testing is available year round and appointments can be made according to the patient’s availability. Keep in mind that patients and their families must make their own travel and lodging arrangements.

Because of the cost it is not as widely available as FerriScan, which measures iron content in the liver.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline jzd24

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Re: FerriScan Locations
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2006, 01:42:27 AM »
     Thanks for the info.  :wave  Jean


Offline Dori

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Re: FerriScan Locations
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2009, 08:38:33 AM »
Thank you! I thought the closest was Hamburg, but I was wrong: University Hospital Duesseldorf    Mooren Str 5    Duesseldorf         +49 277 877 7752      Unfortunately, is only the patient (I) interested in this.


Offline Tedi

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Re: FerriScan Locations
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2009, 04:41:31 PM »
In Bulgaria the center is
1632 София  / Sofia
кв.“Овча Купел” / ovcha kupel
ул.“Монтевидео”66 / "Montevideo"street 66

Tel.: 02 / 93 79 5 79
fax: 02/93 79 5 75
mobile phone.: 0899 961 137
e-mail: info@provita-bg.net

« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 05:56:28 PM by Tedi »


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