I'm glad your stomach is doing better. I hope it continues to stay that way, also.

My ferritin had gone down from 2,000 to 800 when I was taking the Exjade regularly, over a 3 month period. I was also using Desferal, so that contributed to it. However, the past few months, I kinda slacked off between having the heart and stomach problems

and my ferritin went back up to 2,000.

I'm doing it regularly again now, though.
My arrhythmia is gone now, ever since I had the last cardiac ablation done in October '06. I don't have anymore palpitations or rapid heartbeats. I didn't want to go on any medication, so that is why I opted for the ablation once again. This was my second ablation. I had the first one done back in 2001. Have you seen a cardiologist about your arrhythmia? If so, what did he/she suggest?
I'm not a big fan of heart medication, as it tends to make you lethargic. I don't need to be any more tired than I already am with Thalassemia. I'm sure you understand what I mean.
You shouldn't have to live that way. It's very uncomfortable to live with an arrhythmia and can be extremely debilitating when serious enough, as mine was, so I would definitely see what you can do about it.

If you have any other questions, or need advice, I'm here. Don't hesitate to ask me anything.