First Year Anniversary

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Offline Manal

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First Year Anniversary
« on: August 06, 2007, 05:48:58 PM »
Hi to everyone, :hugfriend

One year has passed since i first joined this site. I remember that day very well, i was depressed, miserable and lost and not only me, but my husand, parents, in laws, the whole family.  At that time, i was searching for any information about thalassemia, i didn't understand anything and didn't know how will the future be. Everything was vague and unknown and my heart was aching for my son's future.

Day by day when i started to post and receive your replies i felt that i am in good hands, and with people who can support me, inform me and help me at any time and they are not waiting for anything. You guys accept people and help them the way they are.  Many times i feel helpless and stressed and no body gets me out of this mood except you guys. Many many times you answered my questions before the doctors did. Always Andy inform us with many reports, studies information that are ahead to professionals ( this happened with me twice ).  

Through this place i get connected with people who can feel for me and i feel for them. Sometimes i imagine if i didn't find this place, how would life be??? I swear and i am not exaggerating, i would not have the ability to survive and continue, maybe this sounds emotional or a bit over but this is the truth that almost all the people around are telling me. Since i registered in this site, i log in daily even if i don't post, sometimes i talk with you more than i do with my family and all of you became part of my family and many of you are known by name among them. When there is something we don't know, the first thing my husband says is,'' ask Andy''

I have learnt a lot from you guys, everyone here had taught me something that helped my son and me. I appreciate that so much and i am gratful to every one of you and i owe you all a lot and i wish the day will come where i can be of any help to any of you.

I also don't want to forget Lisa, though i never talked to her, but she was able by her deeds to change the life of others like me. Thank you dear Lisa and may your soul rest in peace. You will always and forever be remembered by me.

Thank you all my friends, i wish i can meet and hug all of you and i wish too we can continue our journey togather when comes the day where we celebrate the cure of everyone of us.

Thank you Andy, Danielle, Sajid, Sharmain, Kathy, Jean, Courtenay, Christine, Khalifa, Nur, Sydneygirl, Miaki & Stan, Thalgal, Fahad, Zaini, Micky, Hallu, Shikha Mitra, Manoj, Narendra, Linda Marie, Marientina, David, Shilpa, Vic, Jemma, Vazirani, Katheleen(Oliva's mum), Touta, Miltswifey, Poo gill, Lyanne, Mei Ren, Lei, Namitha, Smurfette, Poirot, Maako, Ayesha, Canadian family, Bostonian, Mustho, Omega, Stephanie, Sally, Gabri, Aston Dialo, Rani Pk, Daniela, Mr Tariq, Maha, Mumtaz, Al, Bobby, Zadkhi, Riya, Akka1981, Siena, Stanza, Wendy.

I hope that i didn't forget to mention anyone. Anyway wish you all the best in the world

Love always


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2007, 06:29:22 PM »
Hi Manal and Happy Anniversary!  :yay

I am very happy that you have found this group to be of so much use and I would also like to congratulate you on your recent 500th post.

In one year you have learned so much and now I find that often you ask questions that are so insightful. In fact many of the questions you ask are the subjects of ongoing research. I think you can probably teach the doctors a thing or two at this point. Your dedication means so much for your son and his future. Keep up the great effort Manal. I hope every parent can be as active as you are in their children's lives.  :happyyes

Lisa is smiling down on us. This group is everything she ever hoped for.  :grouphug

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline ThalGal

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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2007, 09:45:47 PM »
Happy Anniversary Manal!!! :veil

May god bless you, your strength and determination to seek information to understand Thalassemia and help your son the best you can. :clap

Yes, Lisa is smiling upon us.  However, it’s you Andy, your determination and perseverance to keep Lisa's dream alive, that has made this site a plethora of information.   A place many call home.   :bighug



Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2007, 12:24:41 AM »
Hi Manal,
What a lovely letter of gratitude, you are a special young woman and I'm so happy to call you my friend. My life is richer because you are part of it,
You are always cheering me up with your kindness ,the e-mails,  the funny jokes  ,I feel so bless you came into my world across thousands of Miles,thank-you. :cheer :cheer :cheer

Happy Anniversary Manal.
 My wishes to you and your family is that you have .Health. Happiness and wealth.
My Love Always
Kathy :hugfriend


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2007, 03:54:47 AM »
Hi ThalGal,

Thanks for the kind words. It's pretty cool to be part of something as special as this group. Knowing we have a positive effect on people's lives in very real terms is very rewarding.

Keep reminding us about the TAG conferences. I really need to get to one sometime. It'd be great to meet you again.  :biggrin

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Sharmin

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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2007, 04:47:46 AM »
Happy Anniversary Manal - I'm soooo glad that you joined and I am sooooooo happy to have you for a friend!

Love Sharmin  :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend


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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2007, 05:58:46 AM »

This is what I call a "One BIG HAPPY Family!" where each member is willing to help each other more than our own relatives.

This site is a dream come true for me as I had always longed to find someone who will better understand me.

Lisa we will never forget you.

Long Live Dr. Andy :biggrin and every member of this site!
اَسّلامُ علیکم Peace be Upon you
§ãJ¡Ð ®âµƒ
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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2007, 10:29:52 AM »
Hi Manal,
After reading your post i can relate to what you were saying,i felt the same way -lost until i found this site ,for me it took the passing of my older brother to be motivated to want to find help about thalassemia and answers & ask questions & now i will never look back this site & people are family & friends to me also.I think many of us can relate to what you posted.Thanks for mentioning my name also & your a great friend manal.take care,best wishes.
P.S thought id let you know my mother-in-law has the same name as you.

 :hugfriend                        :hugfriend                           :hugfriend


Offline Lyanne

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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2007, 11:05:06 AM »

   Happy anniversary Manal! We all are here for support and understanding each other and help one another to cope with fears and problems we might encounter with thalassemia. I'm so glad this group has been very supported and has helped a lot of pple from different places, diff. nationaties and we owe it a lot to Andy and Danielle, for their patience and will to help each and everyone who needs it!Take care and Godspeed! :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend
LYANNE :yahoo


Offline maha

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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2007, 11:30:30 AM »
Hi Manal
A very happy anniversary  :cheer. I only had to read your queries to get mine answered. I suppose all moms are the same.Just to let you know I had almost named my daughter Manaal, but Hanan won the race. Take care and best wishes


Offline vic

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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2007, 11:52:19 AM »
hi manal
i totally understand your appreciation to this site- i feel exactly the same.  your words expressed it so well. 

its important that we as parents feel safe and secure in the knowledge that we are doing the best for our children.  as mothers we are often the ones running to appointments, dealing with them when they are tired or sick, making sure they take their meds and at times we are not only physically exhausted but emotionally as well. so its nice to know that we can vent and ask and learn on this site, because after a while, friends stop asking or aren't as inquisitive because they think it is all sorted, they have a transfusion, take their desferal blah blah blah.  but they dont realise that the struggle is constant and daily and can wear away at you because you constantly look at your child and wonder whether they are feeling ok or when is the next appointment or i need to be home by 5 to do the desferal.  little things to some but a daily existence that people dont understand unless you live it and the people on this site live it. 

so i get you manal. 



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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2007, 01:10:43 PM »
That's exactly i wanted to say Vic,

And yes Manal you are exactly right, my family thinks that i am obsessed with this site, they don't believe me when i tell them there are people here who know about thal more then the goddamn doctors do,but i know you all guys are sincere with each other, we can feel each other's pain and we can be happy for each other.

I am so happy i found this site.

Thanx for giving me the strength to fight thal.



Offline ThalGal

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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2007, 01:29:29 PM »
Yes, I understand that the bug has bitten you.  Attending a conference whether TAG or TIF is amazing; the most helpful information and strength comes from other patients. 

I recommend for every patient to attend at least one if they can.  My first conference I was reluctant to attend, at my mother’s recommendation, "just go and see what it’s all about, if you don’t like it don’t attend another one”.  I have meet people from my back yard to all corners of the world; I have met & made some wonderful friends.  :grouphug


Offline jzd24

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Re: First Year Anniversary
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2007, 03:59:09 PM »
Happy Anniversary, Manal! You have expressed in your beautiful way how we all feel. When I found this site, I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off of me. To get support, information, and sometimes plain old sympathy is like a dream come true for me. Thanks to everyone for making this such a good group. I would love to meet you all someday.
     Thanks, Manal, for giving us a wonderful example of a parent who never stops searching for information, asking brilliant questions, learning as much as possible about thal, and being a fabulous mom to Ahmad.  :heartred :yes


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