Ahhhh...... Today is 3rd April! My dad's Birthday. If he was alive now we'd be having so much fun with his Birthday.
He struggled a lot for my survival. Everything he did, he first thought how that would benefit his family first in the long run (Perhaps he knew, as if he was going to be the first one to make us all sad and leave us.)

He always did every thing for me!
He dumped the opportunity of getting a better job in Saudi Arab when he lost his job during the first Gulf War, just only that I was getting too old to stay on my mom's passport and I would have to get my own work visa to stay there. He knew that I can't work in the strict Saudi enviornment with my Thal. So we moved back to Pakistan where there are even less jobs etc.
Here he would struggle hard to get donors for my blood needs, going college to college asking for students to donate blood,which added to the suffering he already had due to Diabetes and Heart Disease.
My dad started a business with great partners which are more brotherly than being just friends that after my dad's death they vowed that they would never let us have any problem. They are the ones that arrange all the donors for my blood and transfusion appointments.
All my dad's life was a struggle! In youth he struggled all on his own with his education and made himself worthy of getting an Administrators job in Multinational medical companies in Saudi Arab.
Here he struggled to set up his bussiness where once he had to confront with the most corrupt partners I've ever seen. We were lucy that they didn't deprive us of our investment and returned it agreeing that dad will quit their partnership. After that he found the above mentioned angels and thank God they supported dad in every way possible.
Finally when the new business had just been established and the furture was very easy for my dad, God decided to give him a better reward for making his family proud to be with him. God decided that he should be rewarded with Heaven while his family constantly prayed for all the good deeds he had done struggling for his family!
Dad! I miss you!

Thanks for all what you have done for us. I never got the opportunity to serve you when your time of taking life easy had come.

You have given me the life of Kings while you yourself struggled thoroughout your life! How can I ever re-pay you!!

All I can do is pray for you in my every prayer that God All-mighty give you one of the highest ranks in the highest ranking Paradise for eternity!

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(