Hello All

Yeah, I have disappeared because Salman (my brother) was admitted in hospital because of Bone Pains and Stomach Ache, but now he is doing very well by the grace of God

As far the incident matters, I have told many people that Please Ask Your Doctor First, And If He/She Prescribe You Then Use It, Otherwise Don't Use Your Own Mind! It’s Risky!
They tablets I use are in a container, which has the all details and names of the company, brand and the location of company...
FerriproxTM 500 mg
Film-coated tablets deferiprone/
Apotex Europe LTD.
Rowan House, 41 London Street,
Reading, Berkshire, RG1 4PS
United Kingdom/Royaume-Uni
APO 500 is written on the one side of tablet, and its capsule type, white in color
These are the details written on the container... And I get them from the Hospital where I receive transfusion..., As far the way you can get is concerned its like, your doctor prescribe you then there is a Company in Karachi (I don’t know about any other city) name is ICICI, They are producing or wat-ever in Pakistan... you can get these tablets from there but they also have this rule that you must have your doctor letter with you

Side Effects: None has been seen in me, and None WAS seen in Salman but I guess they are appearing now as his blood counts has dropped and Doctor has told to stop the tablets

I hope this will help ya, I would love to help you brother Sajid and all other people, Thanks so much for taking notice of my absents

Take Cares, Bye-Bye