I spoke with Khalifa yesterday on the phone and also today online and he said to say hello to everyone. The whole family is currently in Rome as Abdulwahab has his regular checkup. Khalifa may not be enjoying the pizza but he is sure enjoying the results of this checkup. It's been a long rough road since the bone marrow transplant, but finally things are looking really good. Abdulwahab's immune system has improved greatly and now the dietary restrictions have been lifted and the doctors have even said he can go without the ever-present mask, although for the moment Khalifa has decided to continue with one mask instead of the two he has been using. Khalifa also sent me a photo of his kids with the doctor and Abdulwahab looks so much better. He has gained weight and looks bigger. The photo is posted in the gallery.
I hope you all enjoy this news as much as I do.

After this week we can all use some positive news.