Hi MeMe.
I'm Kathy and I feel for you , I have a fair idea of what you are going through.
When you finish with your crying, wipe your tears and start fighting for your life, you are worth it.
you need to help yourself as much as possible,because my experience tell me that the doctor i have met don't have a clue or they are in denial.Dont give up there are good doctors out there keep looking.Meanwhile,
I suggest you start by
Learning as much about the disorder as you possibily can.look on how you can improve you diet ,by having the proper nutrient.
Reduce stress and allow youself time to rest .drink plenty of water to rehydrate your body and improve your eclectrolytes ,and try to do some exercise as much as you can tolerate, when you can
I would also suggest you access the help of friends and shares your worries with them.
Sometimes in life we have to accept the things we cant change and change the thing we can
I found this website to be of great support to me and I do pray that you will stay with us and enjoy our company.
We all contributes and care for one another its a lovely place to be .It makes our pain bearable
Good luck and take good care of yourself
