Hello all you wonderful thals,
I wanted to write this so that others could read it. I had Dr. Vichinsky and his nurse Dru Foote look at my blood work and their medical opinion is that I am not thal minor.
I have never had any electroporesis tests or DNA tests, but based on my blood work she said that on the tests that I have, I may have been low in iron and that the A2 levels were proteins not hemoglobin. So, my iron and proteins were off, but according to my hemoglobin and blood cell size being normal, her opinion was that I am not thal minor. I still love all you thals. Personally, I am not totally convinced. She said my daughter could have inherited thal from her dad, he has no symptoms, never had any problems like me, so he would fit the model of the medical profession that says thal minor causes absolutely no symptoms. I suppose that I am not to know. I really don't do things the normal medical way, so perhaps this will just encourage me to get healthy through various nutritional means, just like I always do.

At least I can laugh!!!! Best medicine there is!
I am looking into wetter water, I think that could help. I also talked with the woman who posted about the mat that she used. She is convinced that it made a world of difference in her energy. It is quite expensive, but if she ever comes to my area, she told me I could try it and I would love to do that. She has lots of her neighbors use it and has seen amazing results. I actually love scientific research into alternative ways to get optimal health, there is so much that can help our bodies be strong and healthy. I have been a health food chick since the 60's, an original hippie chick

So, perhaps I am not a thal, but I do love all the lovelies!
Be wonder blessed today and always,
Linda Marie