I'm confounded-not any of the nationalities supposedly related to Thal

  • 2 Replies
 :huh Hi.  three grandparents came over here from Ireland and one is half Irish and half dutch-all the way back.  My grandmother from Ireland had olive skin but how can I have this with this background?  I do have black hair(the Irish side) and very dark eyes with fair skin.  I just don't understand.  Can Thal be traced back to medieval times when Ireland was being conquered by the Moors etc?  No one seems to be northern european here  :-\

Re: I'm confounded-not any of the nationalities supposedly related to Thal
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2007, 06:42:32 PM »
Hello BlackSwan,

That is a great name, btw.  It reminds me of a book my husband read recently, about how we come up with our theorys - titled "The Black Swan. The Impact of the Highly Improbable".  For example, back before the discovery of Australia, people in the Old World all believed that swans were white, because that is all they ever saw.....until someone made a discovery in Australia of black swans.  I do have a point that relates to your question.  To say that just because your family did not come from northern european ancestry, does not mean they could not have Thal.  Do you remember that part in history about the Roman's coming up to the British Isles?  And many of the Irish who came to America are Scots/Irish ancestry.    I can't tell you how many times I have heard doctors say to me...."but your not from such and such area that has high incidence of Thal."  Well, I think we are starting to see this disease is more wide spread than doctors have thought.




Re: I'm confounded-not any of the nationalities supposedly related to Thal
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2007, 11:35:54 PM »
It's time we realize that disorders and diseases  Do Not disciminate.
there are lots of myths and story book propaganda that tells us otherwise,
we are more informed and it would be nice to think we are wiser


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