My Phytic recipe; I call it Phytic balls [Phytic laddu].
200 g sesame seeds +
150 g Brazil nuts +
100 g almonds +
30 g honey
Roast sesame seeds lightly, add Brazil nuts, add almonds, grind it until all sesame seeds gets shredded, don't grind it more otherwise oil will start to come out. Add Honey as binder and test improver. Make small balls by hand OR ball making tool. Serve two balls per meal one at the beginning one at the end. It can also be used as chocolate bar by drying it bellow 60 deg Celsius in an induction oven.
I am not sure if this will work

but this will add to nutrition, my ip6 is on the way till then.
But I will do the chemical analysis of this food item and put the results here in few months.