Are you taking 2 grams each time or total 2 grams,i think you should increse your dose aneela,see doctors can't do much when you yourself are not compliant with your chelation ,i think with your ferritin you should be taking desferal 4 times a week,and why don't you start ferinil or ferriprox?if your counts are not low,this combination therapy will really help,your ferritin is veryyyyyyyyyyy high,and what about your sister?what's her ferritin?i think you should take it seriously,you are educated enough to know the harms this iron overload will do to your body,please don't take it lightly,it can and it will definitely affect your heart,and we know that heart failure is a very big reason of loosing lives in thals.And about Vitamin C,it's not such a big deal,when ever you start your pump,take half tablet of CaC 1000,it will supply your Vitamin C as well as calcium.