Slimming Pills??

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Offline Zaini

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Slimming Pills??
« on: September 04, 2007, 11:57:06 AM »
Hi Everyone,

Do you people think that slimming or dieting pills actually work? Do anyone of you has any experience with them? Weight gain has always been my problem :( ,anyways was just curious if they really work.



Offline Manal

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Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2007, 12:23:45 PM »
Hi Zaini

I have the same problem too as i love eating carbohydrates a lot :popcorn  :food. From what i know is that there are only three medicines that are safe and FDA approved concerning diet. Meridia which works on brain and makes one doesn't feel like eating and it shouldn't be given with depression or heart medicine. Zyntac ( guess the spelling is wrong) and that doesn't work on the brain but in the intestine and the way it works is different. It inhibits the absorption of 30% of the fats you are eating and it is safe to take it up to 5 years. I really don't remebmer the third one. Also i read that there will be a fourth one that is approved by FDA by the begining of 2008.

Concerning my expierence, i haven't tried any of the above, but i tried other pills called Phytoshape, it is made from aloe vera, garcinia fruit and fractose. What they do is that they make you lose your appetit completly withour feeling any headaches or decrease in preasure, they even made my extra super super active to the extent that i slept very little hours and i wasn't tired.

I lost 8 kilos in 28 days without going through diet. I ate everything even soft drinks but with small portions as i didn't feel like eating.

Aloe ver is supposed to make lose your appetite and garcinia increases the body metabolism and at the same time if you take the pills for 3 months, this increased metabolism will be maitained even if you are not taking the pills ( this is written in the pamphlet)

The bad news is that this msedicine was prevented from eing sold here in Egypt and most of the Arab countries as they said that it was founf that it increases the heart beats and preasure and caused heart arrest (death ) in some cases. It was said also that this combination was given to horeses in races to increase their metabolsm or change their hormones so they can win. Some say that all of the above isn't correct and it is a campahgain from the company that manufacture Zyntac as phytoshape took their market share.Actually i don't know what is the truth but my expierence is that nothing happened to me and my aunt too took it for many months and she is okay.

I think that eating vegetables and fruits ( if you like them, unfortynatly i don't ) will help you  lose weight without retreating back. :goodluck

Hope this helps



Offline Smurfette

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Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2007, 12:25:24 PM »

Well it depends on what diet pills or slimming tablets you take...They all work in conjunction with a staple diet and regular exercise...Without that they wont work...

Your weight gain could be stress related as well..not from just your eating habits...I know its easier said than done..but try not to stress...

We here in australia have some diet pills that do actually work..but with severe side effects...

I hope that this information helps...if you need any more info just msg me and I'll respond..

I know about this cause I am a dispensary technician...

Take care


Offline Zaini

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Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2007, 03:52:40 PM »

Thanx Manal and Smurfette,for your valueable replies,the thing is that i do like fruits and vegetables, i always try to take salad or fruits in lunch,but your point about stree is also related,sometimes i feel like i am kinda emotional eater,but still i try to avoid high calorie or high carb food on daily basis,sometimes i am successful and sometimes,and my personal opinion is that may be weight problems are also related to child birth,i earlier said that weight gain had always been my problem,but before my kids were born it was quiet easy to loose weight,just skipping lunch would loose me 1 kg,but now it seems like my body has turned into some kind of stone  :rotfl no matter how much i skip eating,weight machine would always come with the same ugly number  :rotfl,

Plus my weight gain was also related to polysystic ovaries,when i started glucophage,i lost 6 kg,but still i am overweight coz i am too short :mad only 5 feet 2 inches,so i think ideal weight for me comes around somewhere near 55 kg,anyways ,about the slimming pills,once a doctor here prescribed my sis with REDUCTIL,,i think it's a form or generic name for MEREDIA here. she lost about 5 kg with it's help,but it's pretty expensive here.

And yes i've heard about Aloe vera,the plant itself is available here ,I don't know about any pills or extracts,once my sis tried making it's juice and she threw up after taking a sip  :rotfl the taste was gross,still i think i'd try it somehow  :huh.

Thanx for you replies,and please pray for me,i have to lose about 10 kg  :wah :rotfl,





Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2007, 10:27:36 PM »
hi Zaini  .
I dont know much ,but i do know that we ,all women, have two enemies in our home.
Mirrors  and  scale :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

I myself is overweight and I struggle with it , my sin is I love good foods of which includes chocolates,  good cheese,red wines and little bit of fat with my meat.
so I know how it feels to be overweight and wishing to be less obese.
My excuse is that if i'm going I need to be presentable to the almighty ??? ??? ??? ???

Yes I'm an Idiot :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

Lucky Ive got height on my side.
My advise to you is to have a smaller amount of whatever you are having and cut down the refined
carbohydrates and saturated fat,
take care girlfriend and enjoy your life  :hugfriend


Offline Zaini

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Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2007, 10:30:08 AM »
Thanx Kathy,

For your humorous reply  :rotfl


Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2007, 10:37:58 AM »
Hi Zaini,
Salads & fruits is part of a healthy lifestyle,so i think its great your eating those.I do agree with you having kids you do put on the weight & its harder to lose it.Before having my son i was stick thin,then in my pregnancy i gained 20kgs! after 3 years i have finally lost most of my "pregnancy"weight.But i think light excerise such as even walking for 20 mins a day keeps you fit and is also good for the body.Plus drinking water is the best,i found if you drink soft drinks such as coke etc that doesnt help your stomach,i found it put weight on my tummy.Best of wishes & try not to stress! :hugfriend


Offline Zaini

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Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2007, 10:54:15 AM »
Hi Sydneygirl,

You are right about fruits and vegetables,but soft drinks  :rolleyes they are hard to avoid  :(


Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2007, 11:37:16 PM »
Just a word of caution with soft drinks, they are among the top ten worst food/drink category as per Canadian Nutritionist guide. Most of you may be surprise to know that white bread (available in the market) is also one of the worst food containing 70% sugar contents.



Offline Manal

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Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2007, 12:28:44 AM »
You are right Canadian Family about the white bread, that is why i am now shifting to our traditional bread that is made of wheat bran. It is very healthy and it is said that it helps in increasing HB



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Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2007, 11:10:18 AM »
I've heard these things about white bread,but to tell you the truth,amazingly white bread is the most eaten bread here in Pakistan,very small number of people buy whole wheat or bran bread,as it's not that good in taste,and about softdrinks,yup,i know they are only junk,containing no nutrition,but sometimes you get addicted to somethings,but it's not like i am drinking them on daily basis,( though i'd love to  :biggrin) it's may be once or twice a week.

Love always,



Offline Zaini

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Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2007, 11:42:53 AM »
Hi Manal,

I did some research on phytoshape online,and yes it was indeed banned in UAE market for the reasons listed below

Etumax, set up in 2000, promises: "Our range of products is 100 per cent natural and is guaranteed to have no side effects whatsoever.” However, the NHA has issued its latest directive as Phyto Shape contains a chemical ingredient called sibutramine which is dangerous to health.
Sibutarmine can cause increased blood pressure, allergic reactions which could lead to breathing difficulties, closure of the throat, and a swollen tongue. It can also lead to easy bleeding, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeats, severe headaches, blurred vision and seizures

But the point that is bothering me is that,this chemical is also the main formula of meridia (which has a trade name of reductil in europe and other countries),so why is that meridia is FDA approved? and phytoshape is dangerous?i don't know the reasoning but it's amazing.I read a chat board on a site and every single person said that they found phytoshape useful without any significant side effects,an it was not a company operated website.

Iam thinking about giving this medicine a try after the month of Ramadan,let's hope for the best.



Offline Rani pk

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Re: Slimming Pills??
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2007, 12:04:38 PM »
hi zaini,
u r very very true that use of white bread is
much much more than brown bread...
though my mom have used bran in chapati
very rare i also use to eat secondly i want to share that
i use bread very litte...
n third point to share is when mom makes chapati she doesnt put oil
in it except she apply ghee for other
next thing is that i read about alovera, yes it has bitter taste but my mom use it
by taking out its pulp in a spoon n hav with water 4 her knee pain
we hav kept alovera plant in our house


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