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« on: September 10, 2007, 11:41:10 AM »
Hi guys,

I've been suffering from epistaxis (nose bleeds) AGAIN!!! :banghead This Friday, I had a nosebleed which just didn't want to stop. However, it did stop after about half an hour in the emergency room where we couldn't find any doctor :mad (I guess the nose bleed stopped on it's own knowing that no one will come to cure it :spit)

My Platelet counts dropped down to 60,000 per micro-liter. One of the doctor related it to hyperspleenism. My spleen is 7 cm enlarged and he advised splenectomy. :quiver

However, my other doctor prescribed me Vitamin K which increased the Platelets to 81,000 in two days. She said the splenectomy cannot be done even at this level and advised me to continue the Viamin K.

Let's hope the platelets continue to rise and hopefully I can change the minds of the doctors for splenectomy.

Vitamin K has proved to be amazing for me :biggrin
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Offline Zaini

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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2007, 11:50:00 AM »
Hello Sajid,

i am really sorry to hear about your situation,i hope vitamin K will help you,wishing you health and joy.


Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2007, 12:18:51 PM »
Hi Sajid,
After reading your post i can relate,i often do and when i was younger also suffer terrible long nose
bleeds they would go for 1 & 1/2 sometimes 2 hours long and wouldnt stop!
But i hadnt realised it could be the cause of other problems such as the spleen as you mentioned.
im 28 yrs old and still have my spleen,and apparently its not enlarged.


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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2007, 02:49:20 PM »
Hi Sydneygirl,

My doctors can't seem to find any thing else wrong?

What was the cause in your case?

I have no allergies going on and I try to keep cool as possible in summer days like these.
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Offline Courtenay1826

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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2007, 02:54:32 PM »
Sajid -

Is there any particular reason you want to "keep" the spleen? Are you afraid of the surgery, or the lessening infection fighting effect of not having a spleen? I dont know much about Pakistan  :( but, are antibiotics readily available at your clinic?

I might be reading this wrong, but is your spleen's total circumference 7 cms, or has it enlarged 7 cms from a previous measurement? Here in the states, the doctors supposedly don't yank the spleens until they're in the double digits. Mine was 19 cms. Are you having any pains from it other than the nosebleeds?

Im so sorry this is happening...I hope that the Vitamin K helps your platelets, whatever the outcome after that. This is your first priority. All my love, Sajid!  :hugfriend


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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2007, 05:23:05 PM »
Hi Courtenay,

Yes, I'd rather keep it inside me than add it to the surgeon's trophy shelf :biggrin After all it is here for a purpose and I don't want to face the post splenectomy problems like increased risk of infections and blood clots. This will add to the list of medicine that I have to take regularly, something that I really like to keep short :)

However, I'd prefer any medicine as long as it keeps me away from the Operation Table. I hope Vitamin K does just that.

The size they determined was by feeling it. This means they measured 7 cm of the spleen by feeling on the area. While according to the doctor who advised me the operation; hyperspleenism can even occur to spleens as small as 2 cm. It is just that it has gone bad and is now malfunctioning.

Somehow I don't (or don't want to) believe what he said :-\
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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2007, 10:09:58 PM »
Hi Sajid.
Its another episode,I feel for you .I hope you get well soon,Take care.
Much love


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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2007, 11:51:54 PM »
hi brother

i promise u that your noseblooding came to an end....
in fact that u make the surgery....
after spleenecomy the platents rise up to a million...
and dont be afraid for infects......
for about a year now i have no no one...
and think about the periods of transfusing..u will enlarge em.


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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2007, 04:55:14 AM »
Hi Sajid
When the doctor felt Hassan`s spleen she said it was very very enlarged and so we had an ultrasound. The doc who did the ultrasound had a chart according to which the normal size of the spleen for a one year old was 6cm, for a two year old was 6.3cm and so on. The ultrasound showed Hassan`s spleen to be 8.5cm ie enlarged by 2.5cm. So you see just by feeling you will not get an accurate reading. In any case Dr Mathur has given something more for his spleen. You used to take peanuts for your platelets. Did you stop them? Please do consult a speciallist before taking any decision. Praying that your spleen need not be separated from you


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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2007, 07:04:04 AM »
Hi Maha,

I had discussed peanuts with sister Danielle in the later posts and it turned out that they had no role in increasing the platelets furthermore she told me that they decreased them!! and my body had been making platelets on it's own. I wish I had stopped them as soon as she told me through her knowledge and experience but I thought it must have been vitamin K in them that did the trick; but when Andy posted the link about mineral content and I checked about the peanuts; I was shocked they contained no Vitamin K at all!! instead they contain heaps of IRON!!!! :hissyfit I had been poisoning myself just because a local nurse told me about something who didn't even know about what she was talking about. :pissedoff
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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2007, 09:59:28 AM »
Hi Again Sajid,
I dont know what was causing my nosebleeds & my haemo doctor didnt look into it at all and brushed it off,i do suffer from hayfever but my nosebleeds were never with the sneezing etc.
I always tried to keep myself cool too,but at times i did feel hot & my nose would bleed and
then at other times id just be sitting down & would bleed for no reason.

Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2007, 06:30:00 PM »
Hey there,

The splenectomy may help you increase your counts..both the platelets as well as the WBC's..i've seen it in many cases..
On the other hand i've also seen cases where the platelet count after splenectomy was like 10*1,00,000 (10lacs)...still the person suffered from epistaxis...
dont know what to conclude..take care!


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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2007, 02:25:30 AM »
Hi Sajid,
     Sorry to hear you're having difficulties with your platelets, and with nosebleeds. All I know is that my spleen was like Courtenay's, 19 cm, and I was very sick with constant infections and  short of breath. I also had not started transfusions yet, so I don't know if it was my low hemoglobin causing the trouble or my big spleen. I'm sure it was both. I did feel much better after my spleen was out. Dr. Vichinsky did not have me take antibiotics, maybe because I was older when I got my spleen out, and I don't get infections like I used to.
     I wish I could give you some advice, but at least know I am thinking of you, and hoping that your condition improves. Take care, Sajid, Jean


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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2007, 03:34:39 AM »
Hi Sajid

So sorry to hear about what you are going through, but did you consider partial splenectomy???



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Re: Hyperspleenism
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2007, 06:17:40 AM »
Thanks everyone for your concerns.
Sorry, I couldn't reply to each of your messages; I am a bit too
anxious these days and a bit worried on what the outcome of my blood CP will be which is due this Saturday. You guys are the best! :happyyes

Hi Manal,

Yes, I'd prefer partial rather than total if I had to and if there is no other choice than the operation, but the problem is that it's like living in stone age here. I doubt that the doctors even know about such a thing as when I asked my doctor if there is any place where I can get it done via the laparoscopy and he replied: "You don't have to do modeling or anything? Why care about the size of the cut?" I was hooked up with the blood stand otherwise I'd have remodeled him myself :mad It's hopeless with these guys :-\
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