my daughter condition?

  • 2 Replies
my daughter condition?
« on: September 11, 2007, 09:05:43 AM »
hi everyone
my daughter is 2 and half year old she was diagnosed thal. when she was 10 months old her hb was 7.8 at that time doctors asked it to be thal. major and some said thal. inter. No B/T was at that time recommended for her than we started some homeopathic medicine and her hb maintained b/w 5 to 7 till she attains the age of 2 years during summers of this year her hb suddenly falls to 4.9 then someone ask us to start ayurvedic medicine.... after giving a treatment of ayurvedic med for 20 days her hb falls to 4 so we were very much wooried then doctors advised us for blood trans so she was transfused first time at the age of 2year4months after that she got another trans after one month that is one in the month of august and second in the month of september we didnt check her hb after trans and doctor recommended to come after one month for another trans Plz advised us we are very much worried PLZ suggest what are the possibilities of my daughter case is she thal major or inter. we are continuing with homeopathic medicine Recently we came to know of Dr. Mathur of Gurgaon is his medicine RODEX working for all Shall we start with that treatment...... we dont want B/T anymore we want her hb to remain stable PLZ suugest us something I would like to know abt Dr. Mulkdass and her therapy I shall be highly thankful to all of u PLZ reply as early as possible



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Re: my daughter condition?
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2007, 03:11:24 PM »
Hello Simran,

Welcome to the forum,what i can conclude is that your daughter can be thal intermedia,bcoz thal majors can't live without transfusions for as long as two years,though a DNA test would give you a clear picture,personally i think hb of below 8 is not good for growing age kids,though i would say hb of 10 would be very good, but since intermedias mostly maintain hb between 6 to 8,most probably their body can manage with that low hb,how about your daughter's growth,is she growing as normally as any other kid of her age,any bone deformations? (God Forbid),if not you'll have to monitor her hb on regular basis,i don't know why didn't you check her hb after transfusion,you should have check her hb after first transfusion,and follow that for how long she maintains her hb,now before going for third transfusion plz check her hb,and you can try a medicine called "hydroxyurea". It's meant for inducing feotal hb thus increasing hb level with out any transfusion,we have a member "Manal" on this forum who's son is using Hydroxyurea ,though results are a bit slow but his hb is atleast stable if not increased.
It seems like "RODEX" did work for some of the patients on this forum,you can give it a try also,but think about hydroxyurea also,and PLZ monitor your daughter's hb regularly.She can lead a normal life if you'll take right steps at right time, and without transfusions.

Take care,


Re: my daughter condition?
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2007, 03:33:36 PM »
Dear All,

Is there any news about DR. A.M Mathur. My daughter is 1.6 ys old and few months back she was diagnosed with Thal Major/Intermedia. She has not been transfused yet as she is maintaing Hb of around 9.6/9.7. I have kept her on wheat grass juice therapy.

Today,I visited Dr. Mathur and he claims that my daughter can be cured. I am too confused whether I should start the medicine recommended by Dr.Mathur or not.When I asked him for some references of the Thal patients whom he has cured,he made excuses and did not provided me with any reference. Please advice me if anyone has who has taken medicine of Dr. mathur and has been cured.


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