Hello everyone
This is the fourth month with hydrea and here are the results compared to the previous month. But they are not in the same labs as the previous one was done outside Cairo due to our vacation.
August CBC -------------------------------------------- September CBC
HB 7.2 7.4
MCV 62.5 68.2
RBCs count 3.39 3.41
Platlets 263,000 301,000
WBCs count 7,200 6,200
Bilirubin 1.8 2
SGPT 26 (up to 44) 16 (up to 40)
41 (up to 34) 27
0.7 (0.3- 0.7) 0.4 (0.5-1.5)
Urea 28 (10- 45) 36.1 (10 - 50)
Uric acid
7.5 (2-5.5) 4.9 (3.4-7.2)
Retic count 3.9% 4.1%
Andy, since you always insists on the importance of calcium, zinc and magnesium, i checked them and found the following:
Serum Calcium (total) 10.4 (8.4 - 10.2 )
Serum Magnesium 2.1 (1.6 - 2.3 )
Zinc in Serum 65.5 ( 72.6 - 127 )
*So as you can see Ahmad is little low in Zinc, so i will be choosing a temprory multivitamin rich in zinc and will find out which food that is rich in zinc
* As you all can see that the kidney function returened to normal again and i was wondering did it correct itself or this is due to different labs, actually the hematologist didn't give me any answer as she was interested that he is okay now and said that even the previous raise in the renal functions last month was not annoying to her.
* I told her about the small and missing bones in Ahmad's wrest and she said that this shouldn't be an indication that he will have growth hormones and she gave me the address of an endocrinologist to evaluate Ahmad and to do the bone age test. I will meet her next week and let you know.
* This week is the annual check up for Ahmad to do the abdominal ultra sound and the heart echo. I did the first one yesterday, but unfortunaltly the doctor wrote in the report that he found a mobile gravel ( stone ) in the gall bladdar about 1 - 2 mm

When i was annoyed and asked him if this can cause him any pain, he said that this a very small and it can only make some discomfort in digestion and he can get rid of it ( But how?

I didn't see the hematologist again after the ultra sound, so i didn't tell her yet. I know that this gravel is caused by the excess of bilirubin but i thougth this will come later not that early, he is amost five years old.
Is it true that he can get rid of it? If yes, by medicne? Do i have to avoid certain food? Does this mean that he has to remove the gall bladdar in the coming years?

The most important question is that why the bilirubin is increasing though his Hb level is increasing??
When his HB was in the 6s, the Bilirubin was 1.3 to 1.5 and now when he is 7.4 , the bilirubin is 2

Please your feedback is highly appreciated