I just wanted to ask that have you had your serum ferritin checked,thal minors are usually advised to avoid iron medication unless it is determined that their iron is low,low hb does not always indicate low iron,so please get it checked first,then start iron medication,if your iron is low then you may be iron deficient anemic,and iron medication will help you,otherwise i doubt it.
Good luck with your pragnancy,thal minors do tend to have difficult pragnancies, i've had two so i know about it,but my hb dropped till 9.4 in my second pragnancy and was 8.6 after delievery,though after my first daughter was born my hb went as low as 7.3 and i was transfused with iron

i didn't know about my thal minor at that time,neither did my doc,you have the previlige of knowing about your problem so you can be more careful about the intake of iron.
Good luck again.