what is MRI please help

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Offline Alia

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what is MRI please help
« on: September 13, 2007, 02:49:53 PM »
HI all
Its time for Sara to start the iron theropy, so the doctor said they are going to do MRI first to determined more accuret iron level. Sara will be 2 yrs old in two weeks time and her iron level is 1700 im very scared about that. Doctors recomended oral iron theropy but im not sure which one they gona give her.can u help me with regards to MRI ? what procedor is involved? also should i be worried about her iron level? can also please help me if i should be giving sara any vitamins or calcum or any other natural medication to help her with her growth as she is only two and with thallassimia major.THanks

Re: what is MRI please help
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2007, 03:26:00 PM »
We have a wonderful discussion thread re. vitamins and minerals in thalassemia, please follow the link.


Don't be scared with respect to MRI, it is a painless procedure, however given the age of your daughter its hard for her to stay still during the procedure so I am thinking doctors may put her to sleep during the procedure. MRI machines simply scans and count the iron level in liver using electromagnetic rays (completely painless), the whole experience is like lying on the bed and watching movies.

Your daughter ferritin is high so she needs to start iron therapy, you mentioned oral iron therapy so that is easy to administer. Keep yourself together and plow through the difficulties.

The whole group is here to help so don't be afraid to ask questions.


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