Hi Eastend,
The readings are consistent with thal minor. Hb slightly low for a male. MCV and MCH both indicate thal trait. Nothing here suggests any unusual problem. The only thing that seems out of line is the monocyte count, which is a bit on the high side, with the normal high range at 9%. This could indicate a lingering low grade infection. This could possibly explain your recent lack of stamina. Do you know if your Hb level has always been in this range? If it has dropped, it could be a factor. You might also consider some supplements to help boost your hemoglobin levels. Folic acid, wheatgrass tablets, resveratrol, and carao syrup are all supplements that may raise your Hb a bit. Thalassemia trait does seem to cause more problems with age in some people, so a program of supplements to keep your Hb level up may be of some help.