First off I wanted to say how awesome it is to have a site like this to share with friends and fellow thals
From what I have been reading is seems to be a wonderful careing online community

Like most of you I have had to jump through various hoops with dr's as well
I told them I had thal minor yet when my tests come back they are completely dumbfounded and telling me things I already know prior to the tests. So of course they think its an iron thing then they tell me my red blood cells are smaller but there are more of them and they think its caused by a tumor or some nonsense ( I hear something different from each dr because they seem to be guessing )
If I remember correctly my cortisol was 2 pts above the green as well as prolactin was barley above normal
Personal symptoms include---
Rapid heart rate ..occasional weakness in legs (seems less frequent in last 2 years)
Short dizzyness spells maybe once every couple days
Cold hands and feet yet I don't tolerate heat well
I can sleep untill I force myself out of bed
Hunger hits me suddenly and makes me feel sick but my sugars are normal(Diabeties runs heavy in my family as well yet my father and mother do not have it)
I am also 24 am 5'8 and only weigh 122 and have for 5 years (not sure if thal minor effects weight)
My dad has thal minor and unfortionatly he smokes he can pretty much become comatose mid converstation
in reply to those with chest pain- Isn't it true that thal minors bones can develop slightly differently?
One side of my body is slightly bigger then the other..not sure if this is in relation
I am 1° from scholiosis(sp) and when I have chest pain popping my back instantly alleviates the pain
the chest pains sometimes would even go down my arm but popping seems to do the trick
Of course when I was younger I went to a cardiologist due to the rapid heart and all and everything came back normal
Mike R