Hi Mariziya,
A warm welcome to our site. You will learn a lot about how to take care of your daughter from our wise and caring members.
IP6 is a great supplement - I began giving it to my son a year ago. I give him CF IP-6 & Inositol 2 capsules twice daily on an empty stomach. This supplement is indicated for protection against iron and free radical damage - so it supports cell health in organs. Many of us noticed a change in skin color once we began using it - the skin appeared clearer - the ashy and orangey tinge disappeared. IP-6 should be used alongside other chelation (desferal) but does not replace it.
Antibodies sometime occur in transfused thalassemia patients - which means that it becomes a little more difficult to cross match. My son currently has 7 allo-antibodies - which are antibodies against donor blood - and I assume this is what your daughter has. Many other thal patients have these as well - and as long as the blood is well screened your daughter should be fine. It may be a good idea to have a phenotype or genotype screening done - so that blood is better matched for her and she is less likely to form more antibodies. Andy can explain this much better.
My son, after forming many allo - antibodies ended up with and auto - antibody - this can occur in patients who have a lot of allo antibodies - but does NOT have to happen. This auto antibody indiscriminately destroys all transfused red blood cells - causing autoimmune hemolytic anemia - this antibody can be transient or chronic (which has been the case with my son for the last two years) - so we are searching for ways to control it. Currently, we are treating it with prednisone and in the future we are looking at other methods. We hope that the antibody will eventually burn out and things will return to normal - meaning back to monthly transfusions.
If you can find out from your doctor whether your daughter has allo or auto antibodies we can advise you further. My guess is that your daughter has allo antibodies - which is not as big of a concern as having an auto antibody. Just make sure that her blood is well matched. My son had allo antibodies from age 2 to age 6 with no issues what so ever. Only the auto antibody has caused an issue - and even with that - thank god - he seems to be a healthy little boy - he just needs a few more transfusions and a little more chelation. Other than that he is an active and happy boy. No matter what, I am sure your daughter will be fine.
Timely transfusions, regular follow ups and compliance with chelation are key. What country do you live in? Hopefully you can find a member close by who you can share experiences with.
I hope I have addressed you concerns, and hopefully alleviated some of your worries. Please feel free to ask me anything else that I may be able to help you with. Andy is our wealth of knowledge here - I am sure he will have a lot to add.
Take care and best of luck to Firdaus
