Having some problems!!

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Offline Zaini

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Having some problems!!
« on: September 22, 2007, 11:40:43 AM »
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to share a little bit of the medical problems i am facing right now,as you people are the best advisers for me :) since last month i was not feeling very well,tired and sleepy,just wanted to get some sleep,all the time ,though i was taking my regular sleeping hours,and that was keeping me low,not able to do any thing hard,didn't even wanna go shopping  :biggrin, i started taking nap (a thing i rarely do),no improvement still, then had a very bad case of flu,i was feeling like my hb is low,then the month of Ramadan came,and i got busy ,didn't have time to go and check my hb at the lab,but then yesterday afternoon,when i woke up after taking a little nap,my right foot was swollen ,and badly,i was limping around my flat, :( skin around my foot was so tight,and it was painful,i went to the doctor in evening,he right away checked my uric acid ( i don't know what gave him the idea),and it was 6.9 , now i don't know the normal range, but he said it's not high high,but moderately high,i told him about my situation of polysistic ovaries,and that i am taking glucophage since last 4 months,as according to the doctor my insulin level was also high (checked 4 months ago) it was 15.9,though it was with in the normal ranges,but my ob said at that time that it's quiet high,now the GP said that fluctuatuion of insulin and uric acid is causing me this swelling.

I don't know if it's true,bcoz last time when i had a swelling on my foot, i was using Diane 35,and he said that it can cause deep vein thrombosis,then i replaced it with NOVODOL (Levonorgestrel with ethinylestradiol),which is supposed to be a low dose tablet serving the same purpose,but it also contains the warning of deep vein thrombosis,so i don't know that swelling was due to uric acid,i hope it was,bcoz deep vein thrombosis is a bit scary concept.

Then i told him about my sleepiness and feeling down , he tested my hb and it was 9.7.which came as a lil shock even to me, as i was assuming that it would be low but not that low,may be in between 10.5 and 11,now i don't know what to do to raise my hb, doctor asked me to have apples and raw spinach ,hello??raw spinach??,i don't even like cooked spinach let alone raw,and as my uric acid is high ,i am not supposed to take animal protiens,which was already restricted to chicken for me, as i don't like red meat much,and plus i haven't checked my ferritin yet,but what level of ferritin should be considered as low? Doc has given me some meds to lower my uric acid,i hope they'll work,as swellin in my foot is slowly going away,but i want to be sure that what caused it,enough ranting i guess  :rotfl.




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Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2007, 03:03:50 PM »
Hi Zaini,

Swollen feet are usually associated with kidney malfunction according to the local myths. I think your doctor is suspecting the same.

I'm not sure if drinking lots of water will fix the problem with flushing the system or add to the workload to the kidney ???
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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2007, 05:18:44 PM »
High uric acid can be caused by different factors and often is a sign of gout. It can be related to diet or the use of certain medications. Sajid is correct about drinking plenty of water.


Many drugs can increase or decrease the level of uric acid. In particular, diuretic drugs like thiazide drugs can cause uric acid levels to go up.

Aspirin (and other salicylates) have varying effects on uric acid. At low aspirin levels (as may occur in persons taking aspirin only occasionally), aspirin can increase blood uric acid. On the other hand, in high doses (as may be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis), aspirin actually lowers the concentration of uric acid.

For people who have uric acid kidney stones or gout, foods that are high in purine content should be avoided, including organ meats (like liver and kidneys), sardines and anchovies. Alcohol also should be avoided, because it slows down the removal of uric acid from the body. Fasting, a starvation diet, and strenuous exercise all raise uric acid levels.

Drinking plenty of water can help. I think that even if you are fasting, that you should not include water in your fasting. I know medical exceptions are allowed during Ramadan and I think this would be allowable.

For a guide to what foods should be avoided see


    * Obesity can be linked to high uric acid levels in the blood. People who are overweight should consult with their doctor to decide on a reasonable weight-loss program. Fasting or severe dieting can actually raise uric acid levels and cause gout to worsen.

    * Usually people can eat what they like within limits. People who have kidney stones due to uric acid may need to actually eliminate purine-rich foods from their diet because those foods can raise their uric acid level.

    * Consuming coffee and tea is not a problem but alcohol can raise uric acid levels and provoke an episode of gout. Drinking at least 10-12 eight-ounce glasses of non-alcoholic fluids every day is recommended, especially for people with kidney stones, to help flush the uric acid crystals from the body...Foods very high in purines include:

    * hearts
    * herring
    * mussels
    * yeast
    * smelt
    * sardines
    * sweetbreads

Foods moderately high in purines include:

    * anchovies
    * grouse
    * mutton
    * veal
    * bacon
    * liver
    * salmon
    * turkey
    * kidneys
    * partridge
    * trout
    * goose
    * haddock
    * pheasant
    * scallops

Dietary adjustments can make a big difference in uric acid levels.

From http://arthritis.about.com/od/gout/a/foodstoeat.htm

Recommended Foods To Eat

    * Fresh cherries, strawberries, blueberries, and other red-blue berries
    * Bananas
    * Celery
    * Tomatoes
    * Vegetables including kale, cabbage, parsley, green-leafy vegetables
    * Foods high in bromelain (pineapple)
    * Foods high in vitamin C (red cabbage, red bell peppers, tangerines, mandarins, oranges, potatoes)
    * Drink fruit juices and purified water (8 glasses of water per day)
    * Low-fat dairy products
    * Complex carbohydrates (breads, cereals, pasta, rice, as well as aforementioned vegetables and fruits)
    * Chocolate, cocoa
    * Coffee, tea
    * Carbonated beverages
    * Essential fatty acids (tuna and salmon, flaxseed, nuts, seeds)
    * Tofu, although a legume and made from soybeans, may be a better choice than meat

Foods considered moderately high in purines but which may not raise the risk of gout include: asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms, peas, spinach, whole grain breads and cereals, chicken, duck, ham, turkey, kidney and lima beans. It is important to remember that purines are found in all protein foods. All sources of purines should not be eliminated.

Once again, a good diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and plenty of fluids is a key to good health.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.



Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2007, 09:10:55 PM »
Hi Zaini .
I am sad that you are currently experiencing these uncomfortable health problems.
I know that that hormone Novodol has this kind of side effect(DVT)When I worked At family planning many woman had the same complaints .Maybe it would be wise to look into another methods.

You didnot mentioned how is your bloodpressure?.this as well can make you feel sick and lethargic.
Your post indicate that you are diabetic too,because you are
taking glucophage to help with you insuline.this too can makes you feel so sick.high uric acid  causes pain, swelling and
make you tired at all times.
with all these problems ,in turn, it depresses you.

I know what i'm about to suggest will offend some people I do appologize in advance.

I believe, if a person, has diabetic or a life and death chronic illness ,the person must not fast ,because the person is putting his/her life at more risks.you need to eat small meals to maintain your metabolic system to balance you insuline or else you might fall in a diabetic coma.It is serious.
I said that with care and kindness,take care sweetie.
Love Kathy :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2007, 09:42:21 PM »

I agree and would like to add that this is also true of other medical problems, such as low thyroid. I take synthroid and not eating isn't an option. If I don't eat regular meals, I get very weak and have almost passed out several times, when I didn't eat when I should have. Not fasting because of medical conditions is accepted. Muslims who cannot fast for medical reasons are expected to perform an alternative, such as giving food to the poor.


All we are saying is give thals a chance.



Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2007, 09:53:07 PM »
Thank Andy , you are all heart :wink
 Maybe Sajid will give me some of the cake :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
I dreamt about those virtual cakes  yes I know, I'm a sad case :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl


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Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2007, 12:25:10 AM »
Sorry to hear that you are not well - I hope that you feel better really soon my friend.





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Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2007, 06:31:00 AM »
Hi Zaini,

Ask your doctor about Fasting. You can postpone them after till you get better to make up the fast that you leave due to medical condition. I have to do it too as my doctor has put me on antibiotics for the sinus and chest infection :(

For Kathy,

I wish your dreams turn to reality...

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Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2007, 07:50:55 AM »
thanks Sajid
 Now, now you are really tormenting me. :evilplan :evilplan Wow!! wow!! this is a lovely cake :wub :wub :wub :wub :wub :
 :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl


Offline Manal

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Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2007, 10:35:19 AM »
Zaini, you are in my prayers :hugfriend :hugfriend



Offline Zaini

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Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2007, 11:49:22 AM »

Thanx Andy,

For your knowledgeable post,the thing is the list you provided of high purine food ,i am already avoiding them,i am a very selective person while it comes to eating and i don't like red meat much let alone organ meat ,i can't even cook them for other people to eat,and my doctor did asked me to drink plenty of water,he asked me to manage it between IFTAR(at the sunset) and SEHAR(a lil before sunrise),he didn't say that i should avoid fasting,i'll ask him again,if he'll say so then i'll surely consider it,as postponing or even not fasting at all due to medical problems is definitely allowed in Islam, i have an uncle who doesn't fast at all due to his kidney problems.


My friend,nothing you said offended me,not fasting when having medical problems is allowed in Islam,and we can compensate it by giving FIDYAH (money or food ) to poor people,I am not taking NOVODOL for family planning purposes,it was supposed to regulate periods for me as i was missing them for months in a row due to polycystic ovaries,same is the reason for my taking glucophage,as insulin level and polysistic ovaries are somehow related,when my ob prescribed me that medicine i asked her about diabetes and she said that no you are not a diabetic but it is to lower your insulin level which is causing you to have polysistic ovaries which will make coception hard ion the future,if i want to concieve,then i asked my cousin who is a resident doctor in family medicine about glucophage,and she said that no my insulin problem was not related to diabetes.
But when i searched about both problems ,that is,polycystic ovary syndrom and hyperinsulinism,i found that diabetes is considered as a possible risk ,


The combination of insulin-insensitivity and insulin over-production typically leads to one of two results:

Either, the pancreas gets worn out and insulin production slows down to abnormally low levels. Result? We develop type 2 diabetes. (About 30 percent of cases)

Or, the insulin-resistant patient doesn't develop diabetes (because the pancreas continues to produce sufficient insulin) but, instead, contracts hyperinsulinism (abnormally high levels of insulin in the blood), which can cause chronic obesity as well as high blood pressure, high levels of triglycerides, low HDL (good) cholesterol, heart disease,


A malfunction of the body's blood sugar control system (insulin system) is frequent in women with PCOS, and researchers believe that these abnormalities may be related to the development of PCOS. It is known that the ovaries of women with PCOS produce excess amounts of male hormone known as androgen. This excessive production of male hormones may be a result of the abnormalities in insulin production.


What treatments are available for polycystic ovarian syndrome?

Treatment of PCOS depends partially on the woman's stage of life. For younger women who desire birth control, the birth control pill, especially those with low "androgenic" (male hormone–like) side effects can cause regular periods and prevent the risk of uterine cancer.Glucophage is a medication used to treat type 2 diabetes. This drug affects the action of insulin and is useful in reducing the symptoms of PCOS.

I think this post is getting long enough,now another thin g bothering me is my hb,coz it's keeping me down,living with hb of 9.7 is quiet hard.

Sajid,sharmin and manal, thanx for your concerned replies,




Offline Cath_07

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Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2007, 04:21:06 PM »
Dear Zaini :getwell

Am sad to hear of your health problem.  I will lift you up in my prayer.  Hope you get better soon!  Please take good care ok. 

Hey Kathy, Don't get tempted by that 'cake'.  Hahaha..  :rotfl

"Health is Wealth"

Your friend,
« Last Edit: September 23, 2007, 04:34:05 PM by Cath_07 »
"Laughter is the best medicine"



Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2007, 09:54:59 PM »
Dear  Zaini ,
I hope today, is better than yesterday :getwell :getwell :getwell :getwell :getwell,



Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2007, 10:00:30 PM »
To Danielle, and Courtney
I hope you are doing better.   I 'm praying for you both
Take care : :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers :flowers
much love


Offline Zaini

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Re: Having some problems!!
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2007, 10:41:26 AM »
Hello Cath,

Thanks so much for your wishes,i am feeling a bit better today,thanks Kathy,

I hope Danielle and Courtenay are doing well.



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