What You Must Know About Carao Fruit:1. Carao Fruit is not a drugIn spite of its health-giving properties, carao fruit (pronounced ca-rah-oh) is not a medicine, but rather a pure, whole, natural food that naturally builds the blood for long-lasting benefits.2.Carao fruit generally works fastMost people feel results (greater energy) in a week or even less. Anemia that is not produced by disease is usually either cleared up or measurably improved in 4 weeks. Difficult cases may take longer to show measurable results, but almost all carao users feel greater energy.3.Carao fruit is low in iron (Details HERE). This means it doesn't produce the unpleasant side effects of iron (constipation, indigestion). 4. Carao fruit is recognized as effective by most Costa Rican doctors.Even though it's not "officially" recognized, most Costa Rican doctors recognize it or even recommend it. It is one of Central America's best kept natural health secrets.5. Carao for anemia is supported by recent medical studies.Dr. Luis Carmona, M.D., completed a Costa Rican study of carao for anemia in May, 2004. His conclusion: "By a mechanism that is not very clear...it helps correct anemia." (The study included a chemical analysis.) Also, in Dec., 2004 a distinguished medical journal published an article on the effectiveness of carao for anemia in laboratory animalsThere is also an ongoing study by Dr. Attahiru I. Sokoto in Nigeria, a pediatrician who calls carao a "new dawn in the management of Sickle Cell Disease and Anaemia." CR Natural makes regular donations of carao to his hospital. To find out how you can help, email me.6. Carao fruit therapy has no side effectsCarao is a natural food with no known undesirable side effects. It often produces a feeling of well-being. It is also often reported to improve appetite and promote weight gain in underweight children.7. Carao fruit therapy can be combined with any drug treatment.Since carao is a natural food, it can be taken concurrently with medications as long as sweet foods in small quantity are permitted. As a rule of thumb, if a person can handle 1.3 teaspoons daily of bee's honey, he or she can take the full dose (4 teaspoons daily) of carao. Carao is well-tolerated by diabetics.8. The carao fruit product is guaranteed.Details on the CR Natural website.
Hello Andy, Yes, we have had several reports of use by thalassemics, all of them positive, I believe. There is one case of a young lady here in Costa Rica whose blood value (HGB) have gone to over 13, to the amazement of her doctor. I have copies of her blood tests as well as copies of medical papers which confirm she is thalassemic. In sum, we guarantee the effectiveness of the carao fruit product for thalassemia. Best regards, Lloyd Standishwebsite: http://www.AnemiaAnswer.comuse suggestions: http://www.AnemiaAnswer.com/brochure1.htmlTropical Health Foods (TM) carao may be ordered from:https://www.crnatural.net/order.shtml.