Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2008, 03:30:55 AM »

Welcome to the group. I hope everyone will have some questions and I'll get it started. Some of our members have tried carao and said that the smell makes it hard to take. Can you give some suggestions on what can be done to cover the smell?

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #31 on: March 22, 2008, 04:30:35 AM »
Hello Andy,
If mixed in milk, the smell is not noticeable and it is considered by many to be delicious, similar to chocolate milk.  Those who cannot take cow/goat milk can try mixing it in rice or soy milk.  I have also heard of it being taken in coffee.  Another person suggested mixing in blackstrap molasses to mask the smell.  I was sent an interesting recipe:

However, many people DO like the flavor plain, and don't mind the smell.  It takes some getting-used-to.


Offline kabir_love

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2008, 05:37:34 AM »
carao we gave to my son for a good period of time i didnt notice any extra change. just we was active which may be because of other reasons or of carao .. im not really sure.


Offline maha

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2008, 06:44:16 AM »
I have been giving carao to Hassan for quite some time . I am in the fourth bottle and have already received four more. I can`t see any improvement in hb so far, but for the first time in months he is wearing clothes his age. His height and weight has improved. But I also started the wheatgrass supershots also at the same time. So I am not changing the winning combination.


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #34 on: April 20, 2008, 04:05:09 PM »
Hi Maha,

I am glad that your child has grown, possibly as a result of this supplement.  Where did you order the Carao from?  Thanks:)



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #35 on: April 20, 2008, 05:42:50 PM »
Hi Sharmin,

It can be ordered at . The founder of the company, Lloyd Standish, is a member of our group now. He is always happy to answer any questions anyone may have. I think that our members are some of the first thal majors to try this product. As with other natural products that we have seen, the results in raising hemoglobin may vary from none to small increases, but again I would advise going by what you observe because there are many facets to good health and what a product does is not always easily measured by just one factor. The taste or smell is an obstacle to its use but there are some tips on the website on how to make it more palatable.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2008, 04:01:25 PM »
I tried this product. I bought 2 bottles from lloyd standish about say 2 years ago. All i can say is that it tastes yuck. My daughters would not take it, even in milk. Maybe when they are a little older and more tolerant to horrible things we will give it another try.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2008, 06:17:16 PM »
Hi Naiem,,

Lloyd Standish does find it somewhat frustrating because many patients do like the taste. He also reminded me that there is a money back guarantee if you're not happy with the product (minus the shipping costs).

I am also a bit frustrated by the fact that no one has found a way to give carao a good trial. I think it may have benefits for minors as well as majors and am hoping someone can give it a fair trial of at least six months. We know with wheatgrass that it takes a year to see what the full results are and it would be great if someone could faithfully use carao for an extended period so we can get some reports on its effects. Lloyd mentioned to me that it is being used by a Nigerian doctor who is using it with sickle cell patients and has done so for several years. They don't mind the taste, so there may be some cultural differences in what foods they are used to there. I hope Lloyd can give us a bit more information on the Nigerain patients and what the observations have been, especially in terms of frequency of sickling crises.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline maha

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #38 on: May 25, 2008, 06:47:12 AM »
Hi Andy
Hassan has been on carao for the past 6 months and is still on it. On Lloyd`s site a thal minor had reported an increase in hb after being on the product for 3 months, so for a thal major it would definitely take more time. My son has got used to its taste although at times I have to run after him. When things are really difficult I give it to him using a medicine spoon. When it comes to taste it tastes a lot better than the aloe vera juice I give him, its just the revolting smell thats the problem.

Carao and Thalassemia
« Reply #39 on: May 26, 2008, 06:14:59 PM »
This is Lloyd, the producer of the carao fruit, writing from Costa Rica.

I have reviewed my records and I find only 3 reports from thalassemics.  I will review the results below:

1) Cinthya Aguero, Costa Rica (thalassemia minor, permission to quote and to give contact info granted)  She told me her hemoglobin hovered around 5 (!) before taking carao.  She has been taking carao fruit for several years.  She now maintains hemoglobin above 13.  She says she can go for at least 2 months without taking it before her symptoms begin to return.  You can email Cinthya at cinthyaaguero at (replace the 'at' with '@').  She is a very nice young woman who would like to see other thalassemics benefited. She does quite well with English, I believe.

2) Satish, London (thalassemia minor, permission to quote granted) wrote to me 7/2007:
"Hope that you are fine.I have already started feeling better and am feeling energetic (after so many years of fatigue and body pain) after receiving the first bottle ... from you last week."  Satish London
Satish wrote to me as follows 4/27/2008:
"Dear Lloyd
Hope that you are doing very well.
I am a recent customer of yours having purchased three or four bottles of Carao mid of last year.My blood levels have again gone down due to my thalassaemia. Hence,I wish to continue with ... carao..."

3) A grandmother of a child with thalassemia major, India, writes (I have not obtained permission to quote so I will not give the name. I will write for permission.):
"Dear Mr.Lloyd Standish:
Its a long time that I have written a mail to you. We have received all fruit juice bottles as promised by
you. I wish to state that my grandson has been regularly taking carao fruit juice. Three months back
his Hb level was above 7 and now it has come to 4.5. We started giving him blood transfusions. But my
daughter and son-in-law are of the opinion, after my grandson started taking carao fruit juice, his general health, appetite etc. improved considerably. The child also is very active. Our people are happy that the juice has been helping the child very much. Right now they are giving 2.5 ml. Can they increase the dosage. I shall be happy if you can give a reply to my mail."
I replied that the child, 2.5 years old, can be given at least 2 teaspoons (10 ml) per day.  We hope that the larger dose will give more improvement.

These are all the cases I have related to thalassemia. (I am not omitting any cases of negative results.)

In addition to the donations to the clinic in Nigeria, I currently send regular donations of carao fruit to a social worker in India, Rudradevananda.  Although his focus is sickle cell anemia, he told me that he has given it to a thal major patient.  I will send information of the results when I receive them.  Rudradevandanda can also be contacted directly at rudradevananda at


I realize that much more information on use for thalassemia should be obtained. Therefore, I will donate a 10 week supply (4 bottles) to the first 5 members of this forum who contact me (  Recipients will be expected to pay shipping ($9.94 for each 2 bottle pack to USA/Canada), and should agree to post results, positive or negative, to this forum.  When you email me, mention this forum. (If the patient is a child 5 or under, 2 bottles will provide the 10 week supply.)

Please note that carao fruit has a long history of successful and completely safe use for anemia, including years of clinical use (primarily with children) at the Nigerian clinic.  Hence, there is no risk involved, and it is my hope that this donation will lead to much benefit for thalassemics.

Feel free to ask me any questions here on the forum.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 05:23:37 AM by Lloyd Standish »


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #40 on: May 26, 2008, 06:25:24 PM »

Thank you for this generous offer. I hope that members will take full advantage of this opportunity.

I want to add that everything I have ever read about Lloyd shows him to be an honest person who is trying to help people with various anemias. We will never know how this product applies to thalassemia unless our members are willing to give it a fair (at least 6 months regular use) try.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #41 on: May 26, 2008, 07:10:37 PM »
I may be wrong, but I think that a 10 weeks' use of carao fruit will be long enough to show clear results in blood tests for cases of thalassemia minor.  Thalassemia major may require much more time, and the only benefit may be increased energy level.

After years of experience with carao fruit for all types of anemia, it appears that in addition to increasing blood levels in most cases, it somehow also increases the efficiency of oxygen transport of the blood, allowing people to function better and feel better even with extremely low hemoglobin levels.  This is most noticeable when carao is taken by women who have had severe episodes of menstrual-related bleeding. (Of course, when bleeding is severe the cause of the bleeding must be addressed.)


Offline maha

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2008, 06:30:03 AM »

After years of experience with carao fruit for all types of anemia, it appears that in addition to increasing blood levels in most cases, it somehow also increases the efficiency of oxygen transport of the blood, allowing people to function better and feel better even with extremely low hemoglobin levels.  This is most noticeable when carao is taken by women who have had severe episodes of menstrual-related bleeding. (Of course, when bleeding is severe the cause of the bleeding must be addressed.)

So this where Hassan gets all the energy from :biggrin. It is extremely difficult for me to keep him quiet even for a little while. 24/7 my home looks as if its just hit by a cyclone. Giving 2tsp of carao has become a routine and now I have more reason to continue.

Thankyou for making this product available


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #43 on: June 04, 2008, 02:45:39 AM »
I want to remind people about the offer Lloyd Standish has made in his post. He emailed me that no one has taken him up on his offer so far. I really think this is a good deal and am surprised people aren't trying it. Lloyd has informed me that this offer is good only through June 9, so anyone wanting carao for just the cost of shipping, reply soon.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Carao: Has Anyone Ever Tried This Product?
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2008, 03:20:21 AM »
UPDATE from Lloyd:
There is one participant signed up, leaving 4 positions.  Those interested can either contact me through, or by commenting here.

I want to stress that carao fruit is a completely safe, nutritious food and can be used by all age groups  and (in desired) in conjunction with any medicine.  It is also extremely low in iron.


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