Thanks Harminder, ur right this is a great site.
Now for the problems after my bmt:
After my sister donated her bone marrow to me (which was very kind) i was doing well despite the persistent illness until the last week where I fell very ill and the doctors feared it was a rejection. All praise to Allah(God) it wasnt and I went home and was in semi isolation for about 6 months, basically I was advised not to go out too much only wen neccessery. Another big problem happened a few years after my bmt (I was nealy seven when I had bmt) I suddenly came ill my eyes went very red and I was coughing a lot. The doctors didnt know what was going on so they took a bit of my left lung to see what the problem was ... it was my sisters cells fighting my cells (or so I was told) but they gave me some medication and I was much better. When I woke up from that surgey I found a tube in my rib and everytime I breathed in it hurt so bad I screamed the place down and so i was sedated and given painkillers (why they couldnt do that before I willl never know!!)
Anyway I recovered and a few months later I got shingles next to my hip which tickled for a few days and absolutly wrecked the next few days, fortunatly it went away but left its mark

After that I was pretty much ok, and I left primary school, 5 years later left high school and Im in my 2nd year in college studying business, economics, accounts and chemistry (all A level)
Thanks for taking an interest and hope to hear from you soon
Ps ur right about the people as well ... makes ppl feel very welcome
(This is me wen on youtube)