Hello To All
Manal - Thanks for the advice on L Carnitine. i think I will also try it. Do u hv any idea then who is using Recomoron, and whom shud I talk to it about. I will discuss it with Priya but if there were more people, atleast we can understand the drug better, Form wht i discussed with prat's Haemo, it has been used much in that hospital on thal patients. So no feedback on it so far. When was Ahmad diagnosed9 I mean how many years back).
Manal / Priya / - As we are all on hydrea, I want to know if Doc's hv said how long can we use hydrea, can we just go on and on or is there a safe time to stop. Prathas been on it for 4 years.
I am confused why doc is going the Spleen ectomy way - wether it is to stop hydrea totally.

? cos his spllen is still not so enlarged tht it could be a cause of concern. Alternatively, maybe the low hb must be worrying. i cannot understand.
Shikha - hi , Prat 's 7.5 was able to maintain his normal height n weight, therefore Doc was maintaining him on hydrea. But this year the hb has fallen to bleow 6.66 and 5.8 and he got 2 transfusions. looks as if it is due to viral infection. Cos his WBC also had gone way below the danger level's so we had to stop hydrea. He has been resumed on Hydrea but lets see, next test is on Nov 15. Hopefully we can come up with some good results.
Thanks to all.