Nose Bleed

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Offline poo gill

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Nose Bleed
« on: November 12, 2007, 02:32:32 PM »
Hey All

Prat had a little nose bleed in school today. This has been a second time in  3-4 months. Does anyone know why it happens. Is it normal or is this a side effect of something. As of now he is on Hydrea, wheatgrass, multivitamins and folic acid.

Will appreciate your response this matter.


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Re: Nose Bleed
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2007, 02:59:03 PM »
Hi Puja,

I had the same about a month ago. There was a nose bleed after every few days and I was quite annoyed with it.

My Platelets had dropped a lot (around 50,000) and the doctors blamed my spleen and had almost forced me for splenectomy except for one who wanted to give a last resort try by giving me Vitamin-K which worked out for me and my Platelets have now risen to about 120,000 which are still low but enough to stop the nose bleeds and convince the other doctors to postpone the splenectomy :whew :biggrin

Get your son's Platelets and PT/APTT (something like that) tested.

I hope that everything goes fine.
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Offline poo gill

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Re: Nose Bleed
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2007, 02:29:52 AM »
Hello Sajid

Thanks for the reply. Did u bleed a lot. It happened to him in the school both the times, so we dont even know the extent of the  problem. His WBC's hv gone down in the recent past, could it be due to that. As for Platlets i think they were normal, cos Doc did not say anything about it.

He is going for his tests today.

Lets see.

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Re: Nose Bleed
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2007, 05:39:26 AM »

Yes, I did bleed a lot about 20-30 mins tops. Whenever I felt that it stopped after intervals of few minutes and removed the packing it would start again. This should not happen and should stop after a few minutes instead of 20-30 mins.

Were your son's PT/APTT test normal?
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Offline poo gill

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Re: Nose Bleed
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2007, 01:59:14 PM »
Hello Sajid

Wht is PTT/APTT.

He has gone for some tests today , we will get the results by tomm.


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Re: Nose Bleed
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2007, 06:41:30 AM »
prothrombin time(PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT) were the two test on which my doctor decided to put me on Vitamin K.

My readings were not normal. They are done by comparing the result with a controlled sample. So, each time the result is different with each test, but it should not deviate from the control sample. Your doctor might explain the difference from your son's result w.r.t the controlled sample.
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Offline Lyanne

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Re: Nose Bleed
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2007, 03:46:01 PM »
I had the same experience too just this couple of months and my hema had me also check my ptt/aptt several times and she also gave me vit. k  for 2 weeks and had until now i'm still under medication. my doctor said my iron overload is gettting worst that my liver is already affected and that's why i have nose bleeding because my liver is overworked....... until now my hema is still monitoring my ptt/aptt everytime i finish my dosage of vitimin k.
LYANNE :yahoo


Offline Zaini

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Re: Nose Bleed
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2007, 06:39:29 AM »
Hi Lyanne,

It's not good to hear that your iron overload is getting worse,plz tell us what are your ferritin levels?and what are you using for chelation,You are an active member of this forum and you know everything what iron overload can do,so plz consider it.




Offline poo gill

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Re: Nose Bleed
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2007, 08:18:19 AM »
Thanks Lyanne

I will talk to Prat's doc and see what he says' . As for you, please dont compromise on your chelation.

Take care dear

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Offline Lyanne

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Re: Nose Bleed
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2007, 12:29:09 PM »
hi there puja and Zaini,
        Thanx for the concern  :hugfriend. I have been working hard to lower my iron levels, i'm in combination therapy right now exjade 500 mg every other day and desferal 2 vials per 10 ml 2x a week. My last  Serum Ferritin result is still more than one thousand (since no lab would have an accurate result of the test :wah ) we (my hema and I ) wouldn't know how much exactly is that more than one thousand :dunno.My next SF test will be after 6 months. Hopefully it would bring down to at least less than 1000   :pray
LYANNE :yahoo


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