Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« on: November 18, 2007, 12:52:51 AM »
Zaini asked about why L1 is not available in the US. This topic has been raised many times, although with the other oral drug, Exjade, now available to those with medical insurance, we don't hear many people in the US asking anymore.

Perhaps the most ironic thing, is that Ferriprox (brand name for L1), made by the Canadian company, Apotex, is not available even in Canada. Why this is can be traced back to the research done by Dr Nancy Olivieri in Toronto, during the 90's. Apotex commissioned Olivieri to do a study on patients using the drug, and she claimed that her research showed that L1 caused liver fibrosis in thal patients. However, she refused to turn her data over to Apotex and a huge controversy developed which led to Olivieri being portrayed as the champion of the little guy, fighting the big bad drug company. This made for a lot of good news stories in Canada and the US, but unfortunately, did nothing to help thal patients. My own feeling about this is the patients were the LAST thing on the mind of Dr Olivieri. Defending her research became the ONLY thing. Filing lawsuits against detractors became far more important than the fate of the patients who were prohibited from using this life-saving chelating drug. Perhaps the hardest thing to understand about all this is why Dr Olivieri, to this day, refuses to renounce the results of her research. I say this because every single study conducted worldwide has been unable to duplicate her results. Instead, researchers have found a drug that is safe for the vast majority of patients and has been proven to be a superior chelator to desferal in removing iron from the heart and also preventing the buildup of iron in the heart in the first place. At the Pune thal conference in October, 2005, the research that Olivieri did was portrayed as fatally flawed. It is believed that the patients in the trial who had liver fibrosis already had liver damage and it had no relation to the trial of L1. Our own Ashish has recently observed the 20th anniversary of his use of L1 in India. I say with much confidence that Ashish, Shilpa, Poirot and many other thals are alive today because they have been able to use L1 these many years. The story of Olivieri and Apotex has been very well chronicled by Dr Miriam Shuchman in her award winning book, The Drug Trial:  Nancy Olivieri and the Science Scandal that Rocked the Hospital for Sick Children. My own response to a review of this book along with the response from Shilpa can be read at http://www.bmj.com/cgi/eletters/331/7508/115
This book was the winner of the Writers' Trust of Canada's Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing and the Canadian Science Writers' Association's Science in Society Book Award.

There is another major obstacle to L1 being available in the US. It is available to some patients under a program that allows patients who cannot take a drug, to purchase a replacement drug even if it is not legal in the US. However, for the vast majority of thal patients in the US, L1 is not available. Novartis is a huge international company. They do not make L1. They did make desferal for many years and also now manufacture Exjade. Novartis is also a major contributor to political campaigns in the US, and have coincidentally pretty much had their way when it comes to iron chelators available to patients in North America. For 20 years there were rumors about an oral chelator being developed by Novartis. Lisa told me about this. Her mom has told me about this. One very in the know member of this group told me that this oral drug sat on the shelf for many years until the patent on desferal expired, allowing other manufacturers to get a piece of the market selling desferal. Very soon after the patent had expired for desferal, there was Novartis presenting their "new" oral drug, Exjade, to the FDA for approval. In what seems like lightning quickness, Exjade was approved by the FDA for use by patients in the US. Is there a connection? I doubt we will ever be able to prove it but the coincidences are both amazing and alarming.

My questions are, did Novartis exert influence on politicians in the US with their hefty donations so that L1 has never found approval? Did Novartis put Exjade on the shelf until their patent for desferal expired? How many patients have died because they did not fit into the profit picture of a drug manufacturer? One question I can answer. Does this whole circus piss me off? Yes it does and it really pissed Lisa off and it also really pissed off her mom, who saw her own daughter die because no oral chelator was there for a young woman who could not tolerate desferal enough to do her any good late in her life. Lisa flat out told me that she would die because L1 was not available to her. Is this a sore subject for me? Yes, and no matter what happens in the future, it always will be.

One more point I wish to make is that by all accounts, Dr Olivieri is an excellent and dedicated doctor who has done much good for thals around the world. But I can never forgive her stubbornness when it comes to L1. Lisa would boil when she mentioned Oliveri and I will always believe that Lisa would still be here today had she been allowed an oral chelator.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2007, 07:24:30 AM »

In the end, it's all about MONEY!!!
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Offline Zaini

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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2007, 11:36:46 AM »
Yeah, in the end it's all about money, no value of human life,I don't know ho they do that to kids, but there must be PARENTS working in these companies, not the parents of thal kids but normal kids, but still they are parents,they know how much they love their kids, so they should be knowing that love of parents for kids is universal, so how can they do such a thing to thal kids and their parents.? I suppose their hearts are ripped out of their chests?or buried in love for money?


Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2007, 12:39:23 AM »
Thats so true what everyone has mentioned this days people only care about
money & drug companys will only supply things to make profit,doesnt matter in
the meantime if people die! Even the doctors in australia were "slack" for a number
of years and thals fought to get oral chelators here also.I first heard of exjade from
the UK and then from this website i constantly for more than a year ( and more) nagged
my haemo doctor and finally he did get exjade,but in the meantime while "nagging" him
my brother passed away i think also that if there was an oral chelator such as exjade it could of helped him also.I didnt realise the us doesnt have L1.

Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2007, 02:26:31 PM »
Hey Andy,
Thats putting it in a nutshell!!!

Its a shame really that this continues in a world that has gone so far ahead in everything. I feel the same way as I too had to struggle to get the ferriprox even though  it was used in Europe for so long. My mom had to actually leave our country and relocate for us to be able to access it. If not i would have been a goner by now for sure.

I really feel for those who are not being allowed to even get the drug. I also heard that in Canada some of the patients have been trying to get the ferriprox on compasionate grounds but are being held off- wonder if its for a particular reason?

Just to wonder how much more of us will die before the real drug- proven to work- will be available.



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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2007, 02:08:18 AM »
  That true Sajid it's all a bout the money am agree with you  :agree :thumbsup
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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2007, 11:59:09 AM »
Wow! Thanks Andy for the insight.
I've always known that it was for some political reason that L1 is never approved in USA and Canada but never knew it was THIS political.
Friends from USA and Canada who are very active in the area of Thal also are very put off by this political situation.
It is very selfish for the Pharmaceutical companies to do such thing, but then again, they are THAT big for a reason...  :bat Sad thing is, there's nothing we can do about it! We still are so reliant on them for the drugs that we need, be it Desferal, L1 and Exjade.
L1 is available here and despite the cost, quite a few patients are on it. I'm not on L1 though I wish I could be...  :cryrun


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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2007, 12:58:02 PM »
Hi Eponine,

Why  are you not on L1? low blood counts or something?



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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2007, 05:16:18 PM »
Hi Eponine,

Why  are you not on L1? low blood counts or something?


Hi Zaini

I have tried L1 before and had agranulocytosis which is one of the side effects of L1, which means my white blood count went so low that I was susceptible to infections which I had.
During that time, I spent 51 days in hospital of which 21 days were in ICU, had 2 operations, 1 in the intestines, the other, brain to remove infections.
Was qutie a traumatic experience for me so it will definitely be a while before I go onto another oral chelator. Spoke to Dr Tricta from ApoPharma and even he strongly advised me NOT to go back to L1 because the next time would be far worse than the first.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 11:51:06 AM by Eponine »


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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2007, 10:45:35 PM »
Eponine, that was really a tough expierence :-\, thanks God you had safely passed it



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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2007, 01:52:23 PM »
Oh i am really sorry to hear that,i am glad you passed through it,

Wish you luck,

« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 02:01:11 PM by ZAINI »


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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2007, 02:03:00 PM »
Oh dear!

That's a lot to go through with just taking L1

I hope that you are doing fine now.
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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2007, 04:56:49 PM »
Oh I am. I am thanks for all your concern. I'm not 100% well again, but my life is very close to normal again.  :biggrin


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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2007, 06:39:30 AM »
This may be an old topic, but I would like to comment neverthless.

The question was why is L1 not in the US/Canada, Andy has listed all the reasons why it is not there but then the same reasons applied in India. Today at least you have a company like Apotex making the drug. In India we started from scratch.

I still remember that for a couple of years after the trial, we could not take L1 and had to go back to Desferal. This was after the reports of trial are turned in to the FDA and they need to give permission for commercial production of the drug.

The FDA in India delayed the decision for 3 years and you know why? Because Ciba-Geigy who were producing Desferal were stonewalling the decision. How they did it, well in India no one needs to guess it was 1990-92 and bribes to government servants were very common.

Moreover they used a well know doctor (B.K. Gupta) to send independent letters to the FDA stating that the drug was not safe. Can you see parallels here? I knew about all of these events because I was in the committee of TSCS the society that worked hard to get L1/Kelfer to India.

I still remember when finally we had enough a small team of Patients & Parents travelled to Delhi and made a personal presentation of all facts about the drug and requested the FDA to pass the drug. Well guess who else travelled with me to Delhi..ahem our very own Poirot.

The drug was passed with conditions, it would not be available over the counter, Cipla had to control the distribution of the drug, a prescription from the hospital or treatment center was needed in a prescribed format and all details of the CBC report needs to be indicated. No more than 3 months of quota can be given on a single prescription.

Thats where we stand today and my most important point to make here is, you have to be a collective to persuade the FDA to allow this drug in the market, a non-profit organization should be spearheading this campaign if they are not supporting your cause then their existence should be questioned, destroy them if need be for they are destorying your life.

For an outsider who does not reside in the US, my observation is that I dont think anyone wanted L1, if they did then they were very small in number and their voices were not strong or high enough to be heard.

I understand this post might not be taken in the right context, so if its offended anyone from US or Canada or any other country then my apologies in advance.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Why Isn't Deferiprone (L1) Available in the US?
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2007, 06:53:30 AM »
An interesting note is that in 1996, Sandoz and Ciba combined to form...you guessed it...Novartis!

Ash, I think the opinion of L1 was greatly colored in the US and Canada by the eternal reporting that portayed Dr Olivieri as a hero fighting the big bad drug company over an unsafe drug. It has literally taken a decade to get the truth out and last year, the Cooley's Anemia Foundation came out in favor of FDA approval for L1. But with Exjade on the market, there is little drive to get L1 approved in the US, even though all top researchers agree that having a choice of chelators is extremely important. Apathy overrules science again.


All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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