Bone changes & Deformations

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Offline poo gill

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Bone changes & Deformations
« on: November 18, 2007, 05:15:53 AM »
Hello Danielle/Manal

I was reading your old post about bone deformations and i will like you to advise me further on what are the deformations i should look out for.

Danielle has said somehting about skull
seperation in her post.  kindly advise what we mothers shhould keep a look out for.

Dimple - may be u can shed some light on it.

Tk care

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Offline Manal

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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2007, 12:15:52 PM »
This is really what scares me from low HB, i keep looking at all my son's body and comparing his right hand to his left one. His two legs to each other . I keep looking at his skull if it is completly round or has protrusions. I am getting MAD

What i know is that bone deformation starts at the face where the nose bridge falls the upper jaw protrudes more than the lower one and the forehead protrudes too.



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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2007, 06:42:34 PM »
Hi Puja,

As we have already discussed about the bone deformation on messenger, But I am writing in the forum so that every body else should also come to know about it.

Yes, Priya has some facial and skull bone deformation. She has broad cheeks and her nose bridge is also flat and her skull from the middle is also flat. We did her skull X-Ray and there it was clearly written that it’s because of Thal.
It was not our negligence but UNAWARENESS.
And moreover Drs in India asked us to do her Thal screening because of her facial expression.

Manal: I must say you are very good mother & takes a lot of care of Ahemad.Keep It up.

Love Always



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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2007, 11:09:04 PM »
Big hug to all our children :grouphug :grouphug



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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2007, 07:22:34 AM »
This really scares me, and also makes me thankful to God, i thank HIM that zainab was diagnosed at the right time, and we  started to transfuse her,i know fighting with iron is very hard ,as you have to insert a needle in your kid's belly every night or at least three times a week (as in zainab's case right now, but i have done 5 nights a week also).but my point of view is that,if you are living in a country like mine,where there is a lack of awareness about thal, it's better not to have facial features like thal patients, coz i'd hate when people would look at my daughter as a goner,and would try to sympathize,so i am happy that when strangers or even relatives who doesn't know about her thal look at her, they can't doubt anything,her nose bridge is slightly flat but not prominent.

I wish you all luck and joy, and Manal and Dimple,plz tell Ahmed and Priya that i love them,and i hope our kids will meet sometime somehow.  :hugfriend



Offline poo gill

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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2007, 11:26:07 AM »
Hey Zaini

Salaam Walekum!

Dont worry abt the  bone changes. just continue to give her calcium. Cos calcium helps. Prat's nose bridge is also flat. 

Also Dimple mentioned to me that donot give coke at all, which I am trying to  stop, cos Prat just loves it.

Tk care Puja

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Offline Manal

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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2007, 11:17:17 PM »
Hi Puja

Coke/pepsi has phospheric acid in its components and this acid not only inhibits calcium absorption but it also miniralizes the bones, meaning that it takes away the calcium that has been already existing in the bones . This is the last thing our kids need so please make sure to prevent him from drinking anything with phospheric acid.

My advice to you is to tell your children about the concept of miniralization and they will get the idea .I did this with my daughter  when she was two (of course she didn't understand at that time, but i kept repeating that till i she was able to understand) and the outcome is that she has never tasted them and she is even advicing her friends not to drink them and explaining why. May be what really helped is that my daughter by nature has health concisnous.

On the contrary, Ahmad though he doesnt drink coke or pepsi, but he isn't convienced and it seems that he wish that i could vanish to have just a sip :rotfl :rotfl



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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2007, 01:48:10 AM »
Almost every cola contains phosphoric acid. If anyone doubts its effect, take a look at the teeth of heavy cola drinkers. Phosphoric acid strips the enamel from teeth and those who overdo it usually have yellow teeth. A closer examination will reveal that the enamel is eroded. Colas have been shown to lower the bone density of women, but some of the explanations might apply to thals of both sexes.


It is interesting that our findings of an association between cola intake and BMD in women but not men are consistent with several studies that found associations for girls but not boys (4-6). It is not clear why females would be more sensitive to the effects of cola than are males. Girls and women have smaller bones overall, are at higher risk of osteoporosis, and may be more sensitive to nutritional insult. Whiting et al (6) suggested that greater physical activity and higher calcium intakes in boys may protect them against the negative effects of soft drinks. The men in our population had higher physical activity but similar calcium intakes compared with the women. Hormonal interactions may also contribute to these differing results by sex, but additional research is needed.

Thals tend to be smaller with smaller bones so this effect might apply to both sexes. The hormonal problems common in thals which lead to many developmental problems may also be a factor to be considered for both sexes.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2007, 09:59:34 AM »
Wasalam Puja :)

So nice of you, :hugfriend and everyone thanx for that Cola research,I don't allow zainab to have much soft drinks as they kinda develop flu also, but now i have a solid reason, i hope zainab would be able to understand.



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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2007, 10:59:10 PM »
Forgot to tell you about two facts about colas

*When i was in college, we put cola in beaker and left small pieces of leather and after two days the leather turned to tiny small particles. So you can guess what happenes to our stomach

* if you have any hard stain that you can't get rid of by detergents ( bath stains, oven stains,...) you just pour some coke then it will disappear

After all this i just love to drink it :huh :huh :huh :huh



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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2007, 08:39:53 AM »
Hi everyone!

This reminds me of the episode of MythBusters where they put the cola myth to the test. Here are the results from Wikipedia! Enjoy: :biggrin
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Offline Zaini

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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2007, 10:54:28 AM »
A very interesting site Sajid :)

Thanx for sharing,



Offline poo gill

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Re: Bone changes & Deformations
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2007, 03:31:41 AM »
Thank you all !

I hv stopped Prat's coke. Hope he adhere's to it and doesnt cheat. I ll be strict with him from now on.

Any other things to be watched out?, pls advise.


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