Hi thalpals
First let me correct something.
I am really saddened to hear that most of Maldivians cant afford their own pump!!!! Its really sad!!!!
Theo, im not sure how you heard this, but this is not true.. Even back in 2006 when u first wrote it, (and im ashamed to say i wasnt aware of this thread before..hehe) it wasnt true. Maybe not every Maldivian thal or thier parent can afford a pump, but everyone is very fortunate, National Thalassemia Centre (NTC) provides a free pump to every thal child registered and Society for Health Education (SHE) provides free pumps very frequently for those who need it. Both NTC and SHE provides medis pumps and this has been going on for several years.The only time thals in Maldives go without pump is when the one they use is broken...so we are very lucky in that way.. just clearing this up for everyone

As for chelating tricks with desferal..
Like Theo said, i use many sites as possible. I use DFO 5 days a week now (before it was 6).. anyway then i do
day 1 on one point on my right arm
day 2 on one point on my left arm
day 3 on one point on right side of my stomach
day 4 on one point on left side of my stomach
day 5 on one point on my right leg
day 6 finally on one point on my left leg
and then i give one day rest
and repeat again the same way on a slightly different site on right arm, left arm, right side of stomach (you get the drift

) i used to have soo much pain in my arms ( i used to use only my arms when i was younger) but since i started this method im happy to say all my sites are really pain free.. when its time to do it again, the lumps all vanished..
i use 3 vials of desferal in 10ml of water.. 12 hours.. i put it when i sleep.. and take the pump with me to where ever i go if its not done by morning..
i use butterfly needles for my arms and thighs and thumbstack on my stomach.. i donno for some reason butterfly dont want to work on my stomach.. once i got such a bad infection a minor operation had to be done on it.. so after that no more butterfly needles on the stomach..
i use micropore plaster.. it sticks just fine and is very easy to remove afterwards...
