thanks again everyone!
sajid, your so funny with your emoticons! hah! a good laugh always lifts me up.
all of you are very insightful and willing to express emotion, thank you.
i guess kinda my problem is i'm a girl, and i'm not very "girly"..
i dont really like to look pretty or anything, and be giddy.
i'm more tough, and always the one to really take care of everyone else.
i dont like being taken care the idea of a guy being in my life with my thal is
kinda frustrating to me.
the poor guy, i know, i'm not even giving him a chance..but..i'm just that way.
i dont like exposing my emotions to a guy..its kinda pointless to me i've learned.
also..i know what i've said is wrong..everyone should have a balance,
or something.
but..i've tried and its just been hard to me to show a 'girly' side, or a
vulnerable side..i end up feeling frightened and 'attacked'...
and all the while i'm constantly thinking about my thal.
when i'm more like tough and introverted, i feel more protected with my thal
especially and more strong to stand up to anyone about it.
i guess it has become more of a problem than anything, because me constantly trying to shelter myself has made thalassemia the most important aspect of my life, down to the way i even look, so i guess i'm the one that is making it the biggest deal of all.