• 13 Replies

Offline Rehman

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« on: November 23, 2007, 04:09:49 PM »
Dear friends any one want a EXJADE 500MG Tablets

The EXJADE 500MG tablets is available with  me in very low Price  28 Tablets  available in  Market 

U$1000  and With me only U$500   very Discount Price   

Only available in Pakistan 

Contact With in This Number #00923459068888 

Email/ rehman.888@gmail.com


Offline Zaini

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« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2007, 09:48:13 AM »
From where did you get them ? are you a thalassemic yourself?

And welcome to the forum.



Offline asim_aziz

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« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 04:42:08 PM »
still no reply :huh
in the race to be the champion there no finish line.


Offline Zaini

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« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2007, 07:13:50 PM »
You can contact him on his cell,but is he for real?

500 US $ is a pretty huge amount.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2007, 07:39:08 PM »
Just to show how expensive Exjade is, this price is actually cheap, but we do not know if it is legitimate. The price per bottle in the US is at least double $500. A one month supply (3-4) bottles) is anywhere from $3500-$5000 per month.

How do the executives at these drug companies sleep at night? Making excessive profits on life-saving meds is just plain evil.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Zaini

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« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2007, 05:49:03 PM »
How do people afford Exjade? 500 $ means 31000 Pakistan's currency,and i was thinking that ferriprox is expensive  :huh it's hard to imagin that govts let them do that to patients, i mean , i don't talk about my country , where politicians are thy name of thieves, but what about U.S?they are supposed to be a civilized,developed and all knowing govt ?aren't they ?

No offence meant though, not on the part of american nation, just talking about govts.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2007, 07:04:07 PM »
People can only afford exjade if they have health insurance, and insurance is quite expensive, although many people get it as a work benefit from their employers...a benefit many employers are finding hard to maintain. Many employers require co-payments by the employees and these co-payments are rising. I just received notice that my health plan costs will rise about 13% at the beginning of the year. I will be paying over $800 for my family plan and more than $300 for my employee's single person plan, monthly. Meanwhile, the insurers are cutting back on approval for scans such as x-rays, MRI's and CT-scans.

How can I afford this? I can't afford to not have it is the answer. Medical care in the US is so exorbitantly costly that if you need any medical attention requiring a hospital stay, that your bill is quickly in the thousands of dollars. One chemo treatment for cancer can cost from $4000-$8000. A simple visit to a doctor's office is easily $65. A blood transfusion will run somewhere around $1000. A thal patient could not survive without insurance in he west. When Mia and Sally put together an estimate of what one year's health costs for a thal would be in Australia, to be used in the court case of our member Akkro13 to help him keep his son in New Zealand where he can get proper care for his thal, the cost approached $100,000 Australian per year. Health costs are out of control and much of the cost is being driven by the high price of prescription drugs. As much as I pay for health insurance, I would not be able to afford health care without it. The payments my insurer pays for the various prescription drugs that my family members use in one month is almost as much as the cost of my policy for one month. On top of that they have paid tens of thousands of dollars in hospitalization costs for myself and members of my family over the years.

Controlling drug costs would be a big step in controlling health care costs but nothing is done. The large pharmaceutical companies are the biggest donors to national political campaigns and the politicians keep a hands-off attitude towards those outrageous profits being made by the pharma companies. Some sort of national health insurance is a part of the platform for most democrat candidates for president, but few will criticize the drug companies. Meanwhile, large amounts of money are spent by these companies on advertising to a national audience. While the companies cry about the cost of research, millions are spent to advertise their products, pushing drugs on consumers who have no real idea of what the drug is or why they need it. We are treated to ads that show drugs producing some idyllic settings for our lives...blue skies, butterflies and song birds...all from the latest drug.  :huh

If the system in the US doesn't change soon, the double digit percentage increases in health insurance costs will force all but the wealthy to accept far less than adequate health care. But our government constantly tells us that it is impossible and also socialistic to provide health care for our citizens. Yes, this is the same government that will spend trillions of dollars waging war against Iraq in an attempt to keep the Mideast unstable so that we may continue to exploit their oil perpetually. Those trillions could solve every problem we have but the government prefers to keep people in fear of bogeymen...this decade's bogeyman being terrorists as opposed to the communist  bogeyman of previous decades. 911 played right into the hands of these corrupt leaders, providing the fear necessary to get Americans to approve any military adventuring and restrictions of our rights that they sought. And nothing will change until the people of this country wake up and see that they have been constantly manipulated since World War II. In spite of the fact that the US military budget is higher than the military budgets of every country in the world combined, people in the US still live in fear that some bogeyman will invade and force us into submission. There is no country on earth that can approach the military might of the US, yet people live in fear of being subjugated by outside forces. Meanwhile we have allowed ourselves to be subjugated by our own corrupt leaders, with the ample help of the corporate media that paints these scary bogeyman-filled pictures for us daily.

Only when we embrace the world as our friends, rather than our enemy, will things ever change and only then will our resources be intelligently and fairly directed. The money the US spends on waging endless wars could solve almost every problem known to mankind, including of course, a cure for thal and so many other diseases. Will we ever wake up and reject the fear-mongering of the politicians and the corporate media? I am skeptical, as I see daily how easily Americans are manipulated on issue after issue, the latest of these being illegal immigrants. Migrant workers are one of the new bogeymen to the average US citizen, even those those same workers are needed to put food on our tables. We treat them like dirt and now call them threats to our national security. I am sorry, but the Mexican family picking apples or milking cows is NOT a threat to me or anyone else and I wish some politicians would have the guts to stand up and say that!

I hope this doesn't offend too many people but if it does, perhaps you should re-examine your own beliefs and see if they are founded in fact or fear. I have been asked recently if I ever speak out politically in my passion to help thals. Well, I have in the past used this venue to appeal to people to vote with their heads and not out of fear and I will continue to do so. Nothing will ever change unless we demand better than the corporate puppets that are our government. And this applies everywhere. I see the governments in India and Pakistan that manipulate the thinking of their citizens in order to maintain power and I see the same things happening. In India, the economy is rapidly expanding with little regard to the effect on the environment and the quality of air and water in India, and almost no attempt to share this economic expansion with the millions of people living in utter poverty. In Pakistan a corrupt military leader parades himself as the president while setting a stage that will make fair elections impossible. In both countries, hatred of each other's religion is constantly fanned by opportunistic politicians. Even in the Maldives, a president has become so obsessed with maintaining power that he has become nothing more than a parody of himself. Meanwhile, the care for the hundreds of thal majors in Maldives is weak and getting weaker.

I appeal to all to find the inner strength to rise above the fear-mongering of the politicians and embrace all people as brothers and sisters. I have been to several countries, including two Muslim countries where my own family believed I would be in danger, and have found nothing but people who are no different from myself. We are all one earthly family and until we act like it we will suffer at the hands of leaders who will never have our best interests on their minds. I apologize if I have strayed from the topic but the underlying causes of the high prices of drugs and health care reveal why we live in a world why the price of Exjade is determined by the perceived value of one's own life rather than on the cost of producing the drug. The profits of the corporations come before the needs of the people and this will continue to be the case until we change things ourselves.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Lena

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« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2007, 08:02:32 PM »

   I was impressed! Really! Your message was overwhelming and I agree 100% with every word.
In Greece there is an anti-American atmosphere, we do not like Americans because they are arrogant, posessive,aggressive and concerned only with themselves and their rights. We think american people have no culture, they do not think,. But, thank God, there are americans like you who escape the above. I have met a few but they remain few.

It looks like you are different!
Congratulations! Sincerely!


Offline Andy Battaglia

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« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2007, 08:21:26 PM »
Thank you very much for the compliment, Eleni. I realize my beliefs are in a minority in the US but I always hope that somehow, the intelligence of humanity will eventually overcome the current selfish attitudes shared by so many of my countrymen. It is very disturbing to hear so many Americans say things like "we need the oil, so we should just take it", even though we have no legitimate claim to the resources of any other country. Too many Americans place their own lifestyle above the rights and needs of those in other countries. It is quite dismaying that people can be so selfish, but many are.

By the way, I felt much safer wandering the streets of Dubai and Male at midnight than I would on the streets of my own city. Americans fear Muslims and believe a trip to a Muslim country is an extremely dangerous proposition but that is not the case. Perceptions can be changed with effort and in my life, I make an effort. Hopefully, the fact that I have been to Dubai three times and the Maldives once without any danger can make some impression on my own family and those who know me. With the current political climate in the US being very anti-Iran, I wish that Americans could meet some of the wonderful Iranians I met running the shops in Dubai. After sampling the spices and nuts from Iran, I wish we were trying to make full time trading partners with them instead of branding them as the devil.

Like Don Quixote, I may be tilting at windmills, but I will never give up hope in the potential of humanity.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Manal

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« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2007, 01:02:03 AM »
Hi Andy,

Perfectly said.........


« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2007, 06:57:43 AM »
Hi Andy, is there any way we can make a petition to bring the price of this drug to Government attention may be thalassemics can get this either in a concession rates. Its really unethical Norvartis is making so much money on this life saving drugs, where majority of these patients are in poor regions in South Asia. I know, no longer Norvartis have the patent for Desferal that may be the reason they want mint money on Exjade for may be next 30 years the way they did with Desferal for past 40 years.


Offline Zaini

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« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2007, 09:47:59 AM »
BRAVO Andy !!!!!  :clap :clap :clap

Some how i always felt that American govt is not reflecting the thinking of American prople,when i saw people protesting against Iraq war with in the U.S, it made me feel hopeful, that may be someday a person would rise who'd be able to see the situation like these people are seeing,may be American people would be able to make their govt see their wrong ways,i know that Muslims and Muslim countries are known as threat in  most of the western countries,and i know that such bad things have been done and are believed that they were done by Muslims, but i am a Muslim, and i totally condemn it, whatever happened on 9/11,it made my heart cry,not happy at all, if someone was happy ,they are sick,totally sick .

Any ways, i guess we'll have to suffer for a long long time due to our govt's policies,or corruption, be it in U.S or Pakistan,untill some one will rise who'd be able to do something above self interest.



Offline Smurfette

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« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2007, 10:23:30 AM »




Offline Andy Battaglia

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« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2007, 01:27:24 AM »
Hi Mustho,

How's the research going these days?

In the US, most thals will be able to get Exjade through their health insurance or through programs run by Novartis for people with no insurance. However, this is in the US. I have no idea what can be done to get Novartis to set an affordable price for Exjade for patients in other countries. I think the best hope is that it eventually gets "counterfeited" by companies in India and Pakistan, as is the case with deferiprone (L1). This could be possible as international agreements allow the manufacture of patented drugs by countries if the drug is considered as life-saving. All iron chelators fit this category, so we can hope that this will happen. Novartis is fighting in Indian courts to prevent their drugs from being copied but so far Indian courts have not ruled in Novartis' favor.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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