relocating with thal maj

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relocating with thal maj
« on: November 26, 2007, 07:55:44 AM »
Are any of you guys really peeved [yes i used the word peeved] that you cant move out or move in or move around or spontaneously be homeless whenever you want because of thal maj?

ok sorry. not to post a negative post on here but once again. i was just wondering. really...

because..i would think it is so annoying not to move to another state that you want, or go on that spur of the moment vacation with your friends, or even run away from home, because of all the tedious details of taking care of this thal maj business.

i just wanted to share my frustration and hopefully be a catalyst for everyone to voice their opinions about this sitution as well.

thanks again!
p.s-this post was not meant to offend, just to get a little laugh out of you ;)


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