What kind of food can be given to thal Majors

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Offline Ambika

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What kind of food can be given to thal Majors
« on: November 26, 2007, 08:59:06 AM »
Dear all

I was away from the site from last few weeks because my younger daughter Ambika was in hospital due to viral diahorrea now she is ok . I just want to know what type of food i can give her now on 27 nov  she will be 9 months old . She likes banana very much but  hate to eat dals and all type of salty things.Her doc has suggestted us to lower down milk intake and start giving her all type of food.

suggest me what to do?

with regards

Re: What kind of food can be given to thal Majors
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 10:48:28 AM »
Hi Rupaliisaraswat,
at 9 months old i gave my child mashed pumpkin,corn,carrot etc different types of vegies and u can start to give abit of chicken and pasta this applys to even kids without thal as well.With thal you should keep ur daughter away from foods high in iron such as spinnach,beetroot etc.hope this helps abit,im sure others & andy will know some more.


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