:::this post is not intended to be a joke, but should be taken lightly:::
hello everyone! hope everyone is doing well and is enjoying the day!
i was just thinking of a 'new method' of absorping the excess iron in the body and getting rid of it..i guess this is for desferal users mainly. maybe in hopes of bringing ferratin levels down, and being healthier overall.
this is by NO means something that should be tested on yourselves!

please share this information with your doctors FIRST!

i am NOT a doctor

i was thinking to split the normal dose of desferal taken, into two syringes, and placing one injection site on my lower body, and the other on my upper body (of course 2 pumps would be needed for this).
maybe if the medicine were to disperse widely around the body..the effect of absorption would be greater, as opposed to working it's way around the body from one injection site.
i am going to discuss this with my doctor in this upcoming week that i am going to see him. i also hope to discuss other ways of using the Desferal in which i have been thinking about.
hope to get some answers, and will keep you posted most definetly!