GREAT! i'm glad it is helping your son!

i've just recently purchased a 'lavendar pillow' has the same effects of the towl in warm water, yet you need only to place it in a microwave (to heat it up) for about 1 minute, and since it has lavendar (and other sents) in it, it goes through the skin to heal it and calm the sensitivity.
i've been placing it over my eyes when i have dark circles (i call them insomnia circles

) and seen dramatic results, and also on my forehead and my headaches instantly go away!
i've also placed it on my injection site and found it soothes it greatly, although i havnt done it for a prolonged amount of time, so i cant give the results of this just yet..
but if your son is not allergic to lavendar or any other herbal scents, than maybe this will be good as well..and he might like the smell

good luck again!