i need a new pump

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Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2008, 12:12:57 PM »
I think ThalaSet needles were available through the Thal. center that was once at Liaquat Abad. I don't know much about them but Asim told me that they were available for a short time and were pretty expensive.  :-\

If you know it's current location then maybe you can contact them and ask if they are still available.
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Offline asim_aziz

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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2008, 08:00:58 PM »
@mrtariqkhan hello thalaset is availiblle is pakistan and in rwp they can be bought from thalassemia center and i used them but only for 3-4days because i couldn't afford to buy them on a regular basis or for even a month because they were VERY expensive they cost 250rs (for each butterfly) so i only got them for trying them out and believe me those are the best butterfly's i ever had i called them "magic butterfly's" as they didn't gave pain and didn't irritated or swelled my skin and no irritating skin rashes i just wish they were cheaper and in normal butterfly price :wah
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Offline Hope

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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2008, 06:58:08 PM »
Dear Asim_aziz,

I have a request for you. Please do not use the photo with "tied for life". Even though it is true that my daughter and all Thal majors, including you have to have the transfusion every month to live, the picture makes the reality too harsh to cope with. I am soo disturbed and feeling extremely depressed seeing the photo. Please use an encouraging picture or anything that gives strength not depression.



Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2008, 11:33:53 PM »
Hi Hope,
I aplaude :clap,  your honesty, you are right we don't need graphic that reminds us of the negative side of being  affected with this blood disorder, we all ,already live with it .

We need to take into consideration of children that  visit our forum. message of hope  and encouragement, is much better,to empower ourselves and our youth,

I'm certain that Asim_aziz didnot  think of the implication  that , this photo  might have on others.
Please ,kindly, change the pic ture ,thank-you ,sometimes the reality is too harsh.

I do not like it either.
 :tantrum :tantrum :tantrum :tantrum :tantrum :tantrum :tantrum :tantrum( Laugh out loud)



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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2008, 09:21:21 AM »
I know Asim personally. He is really a nice kid, optimistically bold as he loves to ride around with his Diesel addicted buddies. He is very helpful and supportive! I can assure you that :biggrin as he is the one who guided me to JSF that provided me an opportunity to live a better life. Had it not been for Asim I would have been in serious health issues!

Asim is going through a hard time and is struggling with his Hb. and Platelets. He is suffering the consequences of Thal. and probably the picture is depicting his current state of mind w.r.t his health and hopefully he doesn't mean this for everyone else.

Asim, Bro! I wish you get well soon and be back to the lively self that you were. We need Spidey back! Ups and down are a part of life. Please cheer up.
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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2008, 09:42:15 AM »
hi Sajid ,
I'm sorry, if I came across incensitive towards your good friend ,Especially when he is not doing so well currently.
I  can amphatize with him ,because, I, myself, at times do silly thing without thinking, that is because at these particular times , I'm incapable of thinking rationally.
again i'm sorry for jumpimg head first which can be damaging,
I hope azim  get better soon.



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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2008, 09:55:16 AM »
Hi Kathy,

Don't worry a bit. He's just going through a phase and does not mean it for everyone else. I know I was upset a lot during my "Down days"

I had a chat with him yesterday and he was refusing to go to a doctor just because she tells him to do something that he thinks, he can't manage; although he can.
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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2008, 11:31:35 AM »
Hey Asim,

I hope you are doing well,my prayers are with you. :hugfriend


Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2008, 07:28:48 PM »
Get well Soon Asim.

You are in my prayer.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2008, 08:37:24 PM »
I realize that the tied for life may offend some people but it has long been the symbol of the UK thalassemia society.  http://www.ukts.org/
I admit when I first saw one of my thal friends use that pic on MSN, that I was a bit shocked, but knowing thals and what they endure, I will not criticize anyone who feels tied for life. It has been the stark reality for thals and I await the day when no thal is tied to transfusions to survive. That day is coming. It is no longer if, but when.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline asim_aziz

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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #25 on: February 27, 2008, 11:14:07 AM »
@hope and Kathy i have removed the pic theres no need to get offended or emotional  :yum and please do check what andy said thanks.  @canadian_familly, sajid and zaini thank you for your wishes @andy and sajid thank you for clearing that out for me @all i am very sorry if the pic offended anyone or hurt anyone
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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #26 on: February 27, 2008, 06:19:59 PM »
dear asim_aziz,

I hope you feel better soon. I was not offended by the pic but became very emotional and could not handle the reality it depicts. So, I requested you to take it down. So Thank you for listening to me. As Andy said, I am eagrley waiting and praying for the day when Thal patients will no longer need transfusion to survive. I want it to happen in my daughter's lifetime. That is my prayer and hope.



Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2008, 11:05:04 PM »
Hi Asim-aziz.
Rest asure that I was not offended and I dont waste my emotion on none important thing, like a little picture.

However I do get annoyed when I  get redicule with sarcastism    and  innuendoes   .At times  people can be very mean in a subtle way.

Thank-you for taking the picture down ,I hope you do get better soon.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #28 on: February 28, 2008, 07:11:20 PM »
Sigh. I have read these posts a dozen times trying to find any ridicule or sarcasm and have found none. Asim's display pic was one of the most recognized symbols of thalassemia in the world and I am sorry he felt pressured to remove it. I doubt the UK thalassemia society would be so quick to remove this pic from their main page.

Thal is tough and the patients are the ones who have to live with it each day of their life. Imagine being under 5 feet tall and weighing 90 pounds and having a body that just can't tolerate more than one unit of blood at a time, as many of my Maldivian friends experience in life. Weekly transfusions are often required and the feeling of being "tied for life" is very real for them. As Shilpa as said in words that cannot make it any clearer to me, "a thal never knows what it is to live a single day not being a thal." Until you can walk a mile in their shoes, please try to understand the reality that thal is for those who live every single day of their life as transfusion-dependent, iron-chelating individuals, with a host of health issues. I have spent years talking with thals all over the world so that I can better empathize with their lives but I cannot put myself in their shoes and feel we should always do our best to accept how they feel, without criticism.

I also understand that there are communication barriers here with all the different languages that they speak and I hope all will try to understand that some terms and characterizations may be used that inadvertently offend another. Please realize that there is not usually a bad intent.

Hope, I understand the proverb, but it does infer that some of our members are acting as scavenging flies, and I am absolutely sure that it is not what you intended to infer. You are a very good mom who is trying very hard to do the best for your child and I hope we can help you find the constant strength to deal with the harsh realities of thal. I am hoping we can get someone from the UK thal society to give their perspective on why this pic is used on their main page.

Everyone, please give the benefit of the doubt when interpreting what you read here. I don't see any ill intent in a single post in this thread and am sure none has been intended. And furthermore, I feel that it has distracted people from the fact that Asim is facing some serious issues and can use our support.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: i need a new pump
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2008, 08:38:49 PM »

Thanks for your post and making me understand that it may infer something which I did not intend to say. So, I deleted the post.
Let's all gather togather to help Asim_aziz in his fight against the health issues he is facing.

Asim_aziz, I want to see you well, healthy and happy....

This is a prayer from a mom...


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