Hi all,,
Its been a while since i last posted in this group, well i was away for a while infact i'm gonna be away again after posting this. (Nevertheless i will try to check for any reply from u guys out there ti this posting!)
My son got his first blood transfusion a month ago as his hb level were detected 6.8. As recommended by the doctor blood transfusion was done. At that point his HB level shoot up to 12. Exactly a month after that during our monthly check-up at the hospital, his HB was detected 7.8,,now the doctor has increased the dosage of Folic Asid to 2.5ml instead of 2.0 earlier. He told us too back and see him in 2 weeks time! Does this normally happen after blood transfusion?
For the record, before my sons first transfusion, he was having flu and fever for almost 5 days! As he was getting better, his appointment was due at the hospital. That is when we send him to the hospital and found out that his HB was 6.8. I surely hope to think that because of the fever his HB level drop to 6.8!
Should any of you guys out there has similar experience, please share! I would appreciate it!
To Dr. Andy!

Sue hope for any info, suggestion, advice etc.