My personal opinion!
I came to know about PGD a few months ago,there are few institutes offering PGD in Pakistan also,firts one is Concept fertility centre which is based in Australia,but the thing is that the procedure of BMT itself scares the hell out of me,so right now i am not thinking about it,as by the grace of GOD,and with the help of medicines like desferal,ferriprox and IP6,Zainab is doing well ALHUMDULILLAH,and i am hopeful that in future there would be more medication available,like more advanced hb F inducers, more powerful iron chelators,procedures like retrodifferentiation,or may be a more safe method of BMT,or gene therapy.So i am still hopeful.
But again, it's my personal opinion,if someone is planning to go ahead with BMT,i wish them luck
