Thalassemia Therapy - YSSXG

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Thalassemia Therapy - YSSXG
« on: December 18, 2007, 06:48:35 PM »
Dear All,

Did anyone hear about claims made by Chinese scientist on finding a cure for thalassemia.
It is indeed great news for all thal majors, as per one of the reports,

In this recent study, researchers in Beijing, People's Republic of China conducted a study "To investigate the clinical effects and security of YiSuiShengXueGranule (YSSXG) on treating 156 patients with beta-thalassemia major YSSXG was given orally to 156 patients with beta-thalassemia in GuangXi Autonomous Region (the high incidence area of beta-thalassemia in China) for 3 months as one therapeutic course, 3 times a day, 10 g each time (for children, the dose should be reduced properly according to their body weight and age), and no blood transfusion used during the course. Clinical symptoms and levels of hemoglobin (Hb), red blood cell (RBC), reticulocyte (Ret) and hemoglobin F (HbF) were observed before and after treatment, and side-effects were observed during the course."
"A 3-6 months follow up study was performed after withdrawal of YSSXG. And systemic gene analysis was conducted with PCR, SSCP-PCR, RT-PCR and DNA sequences analysis and mRNA differently expression technique, in order to study the molecular mechanism from the relationships between genetic mutation and clinical efficacy, gene expression and its regulation Levels of Hb, RBC, Ret and HbF obviously elevated, and clinical symptoms markedly ameliorated in patients after treated with YSSXG from the 1st to 3rd month (all p<0.01). Dynamical observation showed that the improvement of symptoms kept accordance with the elevation of hemorrheological indexes. The treatment was effective in 145 patients and ineffective in 11, and the total effective rate was 92.9%, without any adverse reaction founded. Follow-up studies showed the therapeutic effect could sustain for 3 to 4 months after drug-withdrawal. The molecular mechanism study showed: YSSXG did not change the genetic mutation type, but could obviously increase gamma/(beta+gamma) globin ratio, both gamma-globin mRNA and GM-CSF mRNA expression were significantly enhanced so as to induce HbF synthesis increasing after treated with YSSXG YSSXG had obvious effects in treating beta-thalassemia by unlocking gamma-gene, increasing the gamma-globin expression and enhancing HbF synthesis so as to compensate for the gene defect," wrote S. Fang and colleagues, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Department of Molecular Biology.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Thalassemia Therapy - YSSXG
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 05:19:20 AM »
This is simply amazing and if proven to be effective, would be "the Holy Grail" of thalassemia research. Apparently there was another smaller study reported in 2005 with a trial of 20 patients. This study showed one more remarkable effect of YSSXG on thalassemics.


Title:   [Effect of yisui shengxue granule on gene expression in children with beta-thalassemia]
Author:   Chai,-L-M; Wu,-Z-K; Zhang,-X-H; Cai,-H
Citation:   Zhongguo-Zhong-Xi-Yi-Jie-He-Za-Zhi. 2005 Jul; 25(7): 591-4
Abstract:   OBJECTIVE: To investigate the mechanism of yisui shengxue granule (YSG) in children with betathalassemia. METHODS: The changes of hemoglobin (Hb), red blood cells (RBC), reticulocyte (Ret) and fetal hemoglobin (HbF) of 20 children with beta-thalassemia were measured before and after treatment. The effect of YSG on gene expression in myelo-karyocytes in 3 selected children treated effectively by YSG was determined by using DDRT-PCR. RESULTS: The hematologic parameters were significantly enhanced and the ferritin gene expression declined after treatment respectively, as compared with those before treatment, the difference were significant (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: YSG could improve the clinical symptoms of children with beta-thalassemia. One of its therapeutic mechanisms may be its action in decreasing ferritin gene expression so as to effectively relieve the accumulation of iron in body.

Normally, the body won't absorb iron to dangerous levels, but in thalassemics, it will. Turning off the mechanism responsible for this has long been sought by thalassemia researchers. If YSSXG can both raise hemoglobin to levels where transfusions are no longer required and also turn off this mechanism leading to over absorption of iron, we can close this group down.  :biggrin

The new study can be seen at

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Thalassemia Therapy - YSSXG
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2007, 05:27:52 AM »
From     The entire article.

Article on Thalassemia Therapy
New thalassemia therapy study findings reported from China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Department of Molecular Biology

   2007 DEC 3 -- Scientists discuss in 'Clinical observation on YiSuiShengXueGranule on treating 156 patients with beta-thalassemia major and the molecular mechanism study' new findings in thalassemia. In this recent study, researchers in Beijing, People's Republic of China conducted a study "To investigate the clinical effects and security of YiSuiShengXueGranule (YSSXG) on treating 156 patients with beta-thalassemia major YSSXG was given orally to 156 patients with beta-thalassemia in GuangXi Autonomous Region (the high incidence area of beta-thalassemia in China) for 3 months as one therapeutic course, 3 times a day, 10 g each time (for children, the dose should be reduced properly according to their body weight and age), and no blood transfusion used during the course. Clinical symptoms and levels of hemoglobin (Hb), red blood cell (RBC), reticulocyte (Ret) and hemoglobin F (HbF) were observed before and after treatment, and side-effects were observed during the course."

   "A 3-6 months follow up study was performed after withdrawal of YSSXG. And systemic gene analysis was conducted with PCR, SSCP-PCR, RT-PCR and DNA sequences analysis and mRNA differently expression technique, in order to study the molecular mechanism from the relationships between genetic mutation and clinical efficacy, gene expression and its regulation Levels of Hb, RBC, Ret and HbF obviously elevated, and clinical symptoms markedly ameliorated in patients after treated with YSSXG from the 1st to 3rd month (all p<0.01). Dynamical observation showed that the improvement of symptoms kept accordance with the elevation of hemorrheological indexes. The treatment was effective in 145 patients and ineffective in 11, and the total effective rate was 92.9%, without any adverse reaction founded. Follow-up studies showed the therapeutic effect could sustain for 3 to 4 months after drug-withdrawal. The molecular mechanism study showed: YSSXG did not change the genetic mutation type, but could obviously increase gamma/(beta+gamma) globin ratio, both gamma-globin mRNA and GM-CSF mRNA expression were significantly enhanced so as to induce HbF synthesis increasing after treated with YSSXG YSSXG had obvious effects in treating beta-thalassemia by unlocking gamma-gene, increasing the gamma-globin expression and enhancing HbF synthesis so as to compensate for the gene defect," wrote S. Fang and colleagues, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Department of Molecular Biology.

   The researchers concluded: "This study has provided a new path for the treatment of beta-thalassemia with Traditional Chinese Medicine."

   Fang and colleagues published their study in Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Clinical observation on YiSuiShengXueGranule on treating 156 patients with beta-thalassemia major and the molecular mechanism study. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2007;30(11):2084-7).

   For more information, contact S. Fang, Guang'AnMen Hospital, Dept. of Molecular-Biology, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing, PR China.

   Publisher contact information for the journal Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin is: Pharmaceutical Society Japan, 2-12-15-201 Shibuya, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 150, Japan.

   Keywords: People's Republic of China, Beijing, Thalassemia Therapy, Beta-Thalassemia, Blood Transfusion, DNA Research, DNA Sequence Proteomics, Deoxyribonucleic Acid, Hematology, Medical Device, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceuticals, Thalassemia, Therapy, Transfusion Medicine, Treatment.

   This article was prepared by NewsRx editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2007,

Do we have any members in China who can find out more about YiSuiShengXueGranule (YSSXG)  and if it is something that is available now?

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Thalassemia Therapy - YSSXG
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2007, 07:44:50 AM »
If this works better for inducing HbF, then it should really help Intermdias much better and also kick start HbF production for Majors as well. :happyyes

Where can we get this stuff? :biggrin
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Re: Thalassemia Therapy - YSSXG
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2007, 03:39:04 PM »
News like this really gives you hope. I commend people like S. Fang who are trying to beat the odds. Can a cure for thalassemia is possible in 10-15 years I think its possible but what my friends think ???


Offline mudit

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Re: Thalassemia Therapy - YSSXG
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2007, 06:00:37 PM »
There is another research on YSSXG being done at the same department for thal. Article for the same is available in the following link

It also provides some hope by indicating correspondance details of one of the research person

Correspondence: Prof. Zhi-kui WU; Tel: 010-88001149; E-mail:

Can someone from this location help us in finding more details on how to get this stuff?

cheers to life,

Re: Thalassemia Therapy - YSSXG
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2018, 07:37:35 AM »
Dears, has something happened since 2007? Why has this dropped off of the radar ????!!!!!


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Thalassemia Therapy - YSSXG
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2018, 12:51:13 AM »
There has been an update in 2016 that can be seen at

I still have no idea how patients can get these granules without going to China.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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