You are absolutely right! Many people living with lower morale can learn to live a happier life from other peoples' life state.
For me, it's the attitude that counts! Most of the people here in Pakstan think that only the financially strong patients can enjoy the life to full! This fact is somewhat true but not necessary. There was this patient who was two years older than me. He died last year. He was less financialy positioned than me but he never compromised on getting blood on time and getting Desferal from wherever he can get from. He fought till the end and got the title of the longest living Thal in Rawapindi.
On the other hand I see rich parents who don't even send their children to school just because the kid is Thal. Believe me those kids have even worse life than the poor kids. They are nursed like babies and always kept indoors. This causes so bad phsycological effects on them that they just don't want to live anymore!
This is the bitter truth here! Such children also don't get blood on time and their parents don't care about the chealation etc. This results in poor life quality and the children die before reaching their teens!
Thank God my Parents never compromised on quality of life and made sure that I had no different life than the normal children. They strictly followed the doctors orders and sent me to school, college and finally to a university. I never let Thal get in to my life. Sure there were ups and down due this disease, but I always had the attitude that this is a temporary set back and I will go through it. I won't tell you my old stories all over again as they are available in different places on this site. However I will share the latest that is happening to me.
Last week I had diarrhea like situation and my doc gave me a broad-spectrum antibiotics. I hoped he knew what he was doing because antibiotic act as nukes on my blood counts. After prescribing he told me to keep check on the HB. At that time I knew that bad time is about to come.
Anyway I was prepared to see the HB result after the 3 days of nuking session!

My HB went down to 5 g/dl and after getting the regular refrigerated blood on Wednesday, no much improvement occured. Then they adviced me to get hyper-transfusions of fresh donated blood that I had to arrange myself!
I managed to get one donor on Friday and got transfused and next transfusion is due tommorrow (Monday!).
I had Desferal last night and I think that I am trying really hard to survive! If I had the attitude that I can't manage the donors than you can guess that this could be the last few weeks of my life! But NO!
I won't say "DIE!" I will fight and I will try my best wether I am able to do it or not. I know that the prayers of all my family and friends(You guys) is with me.