HI Jonathan...
It doesnt seem that you are Thal Intermedia.. because you have taken tranfusion regularly before your spleen was removed.. it could be E beta Thal.. which is again another form of Thal major. But what happens in E thal is that the manifestation of the Thal symptoms come a bit late.. age 2-3 years.. or even later.. and these kids are able to lead a fairly regular life with a low Hb of 5/6.. but sooner or later they will need regular transfusions.. as it happened in your case.
Now when the spleen is removed, the first couple of years, the transfusion rate reduces drastically, when you might need transfuions every 3/4 months.. as you do.
But see.. how your Hb doesnt get stabilised.. I dont know how old you are.. but a Hb of 6-8 is really low... and because you are delaying for 3 months.. you are being given 3 units of blood .. and even that doesnt oncrease you Hb as it should.
So I think you should switch over to a 4-5 weeks interval beteen transfusions.. and immedietly start a combination therapy for reducing your iron levels with Desferal and L1
At first you will need to boost up youir Hb with 2/3 transfusions at a gap of 10/12 days.. with 2 units each time... and then continue the 4/5 weeks interval.
There are no set patern for transfuions intervals.. an individual just gets used to a certain pattern
An average 250ml packed cells should take 2 hrs if you are using the filter.. or it should go a bit slower.. maybe 3/4 hrs...
I dont know if any of this heps.. but in case you have any more questions.. please ask..
