Hi! My name is Kathy, and I surfed over here from the Msn group. I live in Michigan.
The reason why I'm here is, well, I had questions about Thalassemia. I'm about to be tested for it. I'm 33 years old, and pregnant with my fifth baby.
I'm confused about this disease, and have never heard of it before the nurse told me I was going to be tested for it. She called me this morning and asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with it, and I said no. I've been told I had low iron before, and this has happened everytime I was pregnant. Anemia is in my family but no one ever told me I was anemic. I've been surfing around looking around for information about this. I wish that i had asked for more information, but figured I would look it up on the net.
Also my last prenatal visit which was this Monday, the nurse said my blood numbers were out of whack. I never heard that before either.
Anyway, my questions are:
1) Aren't I too old to even have this disease?
2) Has this ever happened to anyone else? I mean, been diagnosed, at this late an age?
3) Is this a progressive disease? I mean, can you have one type then it would change it to another type later on in life?
I have had rapid weight loss, paleness, fatigue. I chalked this up to low iron, and also that i have two little children to care for, (3 and 1), and I was also working nights till 2 am.
Excuse my ignorance, I just heard about this today..

Hopefully someone can answer my questions, and I also hope for the best in my tests.
If nothing comes of it, then I know I'll be wiser about another disease, and think about others who have thalassemia. Thank you so much for your time!